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How Lumber Looks
- Douglas Fir-For the fitst 3O weeks of l9ilr 343 mills report- ing to the Vest Coast Lumberments Association have opeiated at 41.47 per cent of capacity, as compared to 60.63 plr cent for the.same period i" rSlo.' For th" *eek endJ n'r,g"rrl, these mrlls operated at 39.j9 per cent of capacity, as compared to 392E per_ceirt of capacity for the preceding'week. During the week ended July 2i, l6ti plants *.." ,.por"ted as down ani 175 as operating; those operiting reported-production as 62.2 per cent of capacity.
Gurrent new business reported by 22) identical mills to the Association for the week tnded August I was 7.74 per cent under_ production and shipment" *"i" 3.01 per cent lver the cut. New export business received during the week was about 3501000 feet more than the volume ,"poit"d.for the previous week; decreases of about 511001000 feet in the rail tr;de and l2r4OOrOOO feet in the domestic cargo trade were reported while the local rade gained approximaiely 2,OO0,O0O feet, making the total new business approximately 1511001000 foot less thai the previous week. During the past 3O weeks of lgil "ra"r, for these mills have averaged 1.54 per cent over production.
P,roduction, orders and shipments at these 223 mills for the week ended August I were rtported in board feet as follows: Production l02r548r96t feet; Shipments lO5,6tSr5OZ feet; Orders 9510211877 f.eet. Details of orders and shipments as rqrorted by these mills for the same week follows:-Ordersltil_10f610,799 feet; Domestic Cargo 4t,i63,826 feet; Export l3rl90,4l2 feet; Local 91636,838 f-et. Shipments-RaiL'3),9-8lr74J feet; Domestic Cargo 40,r7gr4lg feet;-Export 2lr63g,5ld1 feet; Local 9,6f6,838 feet.
The California market shows practically no change and the volume continues light. It is the opinion that the iarket will show an improvement in September when a seasonal increase in business is due. Lath is slarce and the market on this item is firm. Prices on lx4 and 1x6 Common are also holding
Earl Galbraith Returns From Northern California Trip
Earl Ga_lbraith, Los Angeles, sales manager of the Schu_ macher Wall Board Corporation, has returied from a business trip to San Francisco and Northern California points where he called on the company's representatives and lurn_ ber trade.
- Advcrtiring-Rrtg on Application up ye_ll. Unsold stocks on the public docks at San pedro totaled. 9r579rO0O feet on August 12. Fir cargo arrivals at San Pedro for the week ended August 6 rotaled 7-r4O5rOOO f.eer 59 lumber vessels in the California service are iaid',rp, .nd onl vessel is operating off.shore.
The California Pine Manufacturers Association for the wee& ended Argust I reported production jtom24 mills as lTrtf f.r@O teet, shipments 17,625.OOO feet and orders 15r7l1r000 fect. The same number of mills reported a decrease of 3i per cent in productiori as compared wiih the same week in f93b. The Pine and Redwood markets show very little change and price levels remain about the same.
With lurnber production lpparently continuing along previ- ously established curtailed levels, orderc for th-e weeli ended August f dropped to 5 per cent below the cut, it is indicated in telegraphic reports fuom 827 leading hardwood and soft. wood mills to the National Lumber Manufacturers Association. Shipments of these mills, however, were 7 per cent above theii combined production of. 2O7.45O,O00 feet. -A week eatliq g37 mills reported orders 9 p:r cent-above and shipments 15 pef cent above a ctrt of 2O5,279,OOO f.eet.
Lumber o-rders reported for the week ended August I by 563 softwood mills totaled l78r47grOOO feet, or 7 per cLt below the production of the same mills. Shipments as- reported for the same week_were 20tr7O9r0OO feet, or 5 per cent above produc- tion. Production was l9lr254.OOO feet.-
_ Reports from 283 hardwood mills give new business as 19r583r000-fe.et, or 2l per cent above production. Shipments as reported for the same week_ ."te 2110641000 feet, or 30 per cent above production. Ptoduction was 16rI96,0(X) feet.
J. H. Prentice, Los_ Angeles, Southern California repre- sentative of the Bloedel-Donovan Lumber Mills, was a re_ cent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days con- ferring with J. H. Bloedel, Seattle, Wish., presideni of the gompany,^ an_d Prentice Bloedel and S. G. Smith, Bloedel, Stewart & Wel,ch, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C.