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(Continued from Page 6) subject of termites, and be prepared to advise the building trade, both as to treatments in infested buildings, and preventatives in new buildings. rl. * ,<

*18 1.

The creosoting industry of the nation should take a very active hand in this matter. No question whatever about ONE thing-thoroughly creosoted wood will perfectly and permanently resist termite attack. Termites just won't chew through a thick layer of creosoted wood. The creosoting industry is in excellent position to do much of the research work, and determine on proper preventative measures, as well as treatment of buildings already infested. With the cooperation of the manufacturing and retail departments of the lumber industry the rapidly growing termite menace may be given a severe jolt on the jaw.

Don't let lack of time impede,your progress. We have lots of time ahead of us. A late astronomical announcement concerning the cooling process that is taking place in our sun states that the sun is burning up at the rate of three hundred and sixty thousand million tons daily. See? But don't worry. It further states that at that rate it wiil last fifteen million million years longer. So go right on withYourwor!'

How beautiful, how marvelous is nature's handiwork in WOOD. It seems strange, doesn't it, to think of taking a sight-seer to a wood yard for interest and entertainment. Yet I have often done so, and neved faited to give him a thrill, even though he might not be lumber interested. But the marvels of wood appeal to every fine mind.

Give yourself a treat some time, even though you may be a lumberman and think you know wood, and go to one of the great hardwood yards in California, and ask them to show you some of their foreign woods. You will change your mind about knowing wood, when you see the wonders that nature has performed with these gorgeously colored and figured dense hardwoods. You'II see beautiful things you did not know were in the world, gathered from every corner of the globe, and then marvelously sliced, and worked, and patterned, and prepared for the use of man. ***

You will fairly gasp at the sheer beauty of many of these woods. Take rosewood from both Mexico and Brazil; satinwood; vermilion; oriental; zebrano; tulipwood; primavera; peroba rosa; ebony; harewood; jenisero; lancewood; ironbark; spotted gum; camphorwood; bethabara; the various mahoganies; the glorious many-colored woods of the Philippines; the varied and glorious types of walnut; and others. If there's a thrill left in you, you,ll get one from these marvelous works of God, gathered by man, for the good of men* * *

In years to come we will develop many more marvelous cabinet woods that are now only slightly known to man, and not at all to commerce. The western coast of South America has many gorgeous looking dense hardwoods, of all sorts of colors, tints, markings, and grain. We know little about them, the seasoning, the practical characteristics, etc. But some of these days, we will. ***

And from the Orient will come a variety of beautiful dense hardwoods, scarcely known to commerce at the pres ent time. I have seen samples of Oriental and South American woods that are known in their home lands but not abroad, that some day will come into common use in this country. Many of them are so perfectly delightful to the eye as to challenge description. ***

Which reminds us of the cockney who came to Canada, and started a hardwood lumber yard. His name was Oxenham (pronounced H'ox'n'm). He lived in'amilton, Hfontario, and he carried in stock hoak, hash, helm, 'ickory and other 'ard woods, and. one day 'aving sold a 'ell of a lot of ickory 'andles for 'oes 'e led a blushing bride to the haltar and lived 'appily hever hafter.

Do Tou Know That

We have on wharf at Oakland, avaihble for immcdiate ehipmot, in carload lots or truck delivery:

Visit Redwood Empire

A cordial invitation has been sent out by the Redwood Relationship Committee to the members of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association to visit the Redwood Empire August n b 23. The retailers are invited to attend the mieting of the Lumber Committee of the State Association with the Redwood Relationship Committee, which will be held at Scotia on Friday morning, August 21.

A special train rvill leave San Francisco at 8:30 p.m. Thursday evening, August 20. The round trip fare from San Francisco to-Eurela on this train is $12.00 plus pullman. The business meeting lvill be over at noon, on Friday and the golf tournament will be held in the afternoon foi the ;. lf. Holmes cup. On Saturday morning the visitors will be taken to see a Redwood logging operation, and will visit a number of the mills. The visit to the logging camp will include a cookhouse dinner. Those rvho ivanl to play golf on Saturday afternoon will have an opportunity to play on the Eureka golf course. There will te a battquet at the Eureka Inn in the evening' when thechampionihip golf cup will be presented to the winner of the tournament.

A scenic drive up the coast to Crescent City is scheduled for Sunday. Visiiors will be broug!! back to Eureka in tirne to caich the night train to San Francisco. The Redwood mills will do everything possible to make the trip ri'orth while for all who decide to go. Retailers have been asked to send in reply cards if they intend to make the trip'

New Products Added to Celotex Line

The addition of five products and a nerv tnerchandising policy, is announced by- C. E. Stedman, vice-president and ge.reial sales manager- of the Celotex Company, mantfaciurer of building insulation and allied building materials'

The five products "t. t Qz,ite Building Blanket, a blanket insulation, all hair, chemically treated and stitched between layers of tough, heavy, waterproof, duplex crepe paper -icle especial$ for this purpo-se by. reinforcement wiih animal hair to provide greater durability and resis,tance to puncture.

C-X Lanite Insulating Quilt, a patented combination of imported fiber and hair, felted together. It is manufactured under the same rigid specifications as Ozite Building Blanket.

Compo-Board, a wall board and utility material, which does not warp, is durable, light in weight, rigid ald permanent. As *aiketed by the Celotex Company, it will be provided with a new surface treated by an improved sizing method to take any sort of decorative finish.

C-X Orange Label Wallboard, five-ply, full3/16 inch, the odd number of plys being specified to resist any. tendency toward warping. A special three-ply, one-eighth inch thick board is also available.

C-X Green Label Wallboard. This is a four-ply product, both surfaces are sm'ooth and level and take all types of decoration.

These products are now being manufactured under the Celotex Company's specifications and will be merchandised through the dealer with the same promotional efforts that have been identified with the Celotex line, which now numbers 24 different products.

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