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McCormick Opens New S. F. Yard Office
The yard department of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co. is now occupying its new office building at 2000 Evans Avenue, San Frincisco, which is two blocks south of Army Street.
The new office building is constructed entirely of wood, and presents a most attrictive appearance. Redwood siding is used on the exterior, and-extensive use is made of D5uglas fir panels for interior finish. Fir-Tex board is used for the ceilings and for the upper part of the walls.
All of the offices have plenty of daylight, and are equipped in the most modern ind up to date fashion. There is an indirect lighting system, ind the whgle building is heated by eleitricity. Lockers for each individual have been installed in the lavatories.
The offices include a large general offrce,. salesmen's office, and shipping department. - Private offices ale occupied fy rt'. f-. Dettmuin, manager, yard department; E. A. Allen' aisistant manag'er in chirge of retail-sales; and-Jas' .E' "Jimmy" Atkinion, assistant manager in charge of wholesale sales.
The nerv building also houses the office of the McCormick Terminal, of which Allen E. Sorrell is manager.
All retail sales as well as wholesale sales demanding quick shipment or delivery by truck are now handled from this office.
The new yard office telephone number is VAlencia 2700' dealers Jecting Sisalkraft foi theii o-wn homes o, y"tl buiidings, because of its ,"ii. rii:' iiil-ir'ri'a"li"i"oi'6ilt;;6iraii;;tt oggu.tunltv' .fri, i""gtt paper. He kno*, iro* it save-labor and he has seen it stand -up under 'RINCI'AL USES -""y d"al o'f abor". He knows how abrolutely air and moirture proof it is. ;;;;;;;"""" i"t h" ".r positiveiy assor" i prospect as to the advantages of using
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Use Sisalkraft yourself-and c€ll it with the enthusiacm t{rat naturally re' "X1X'l"To".'lfflotindff brlcl sultc from such pereonal experience.
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205 W. Vacker Drive (Canal Station) ' Chicago, IIL -..f"T:l'::"' or rmodtr' ' tll@lliDrout ranch u$t' 55 New Montgomery St. - San Francisco, Calif- i""1,1", T"o 'lfllLL' TilXJ.i CLM--{-1S-Gray