1 minute read
You Could Hardly Expect Him To Quit
BoL Wier, a good Scotch lumber friend of mine. savs he's- going to sue me unless I quit running these Scotih stories in this column, so, just to see if he means it, I sub- mit this one:
-4 Sott foursome was just finishing the third hole of an eighteen hole course when Sandy McTavish, who was play-
Don Philips Makes Airplane Trip To San Francisco
Don Philips, Lawrence-Philips Lumber Co., Los Angeles, traveled by airplane to San Francis'co on July 31 where he met his family who were visiting at Berkeley fotlowing a several weeks' vacation spent ai Garberville and Klamath in Humboldt county. Aciompanied by his family they returned to L,os Angeles by automobile.