2 minute read
MILL, FACTORIES and SALES, WESTVOOD' CALIFORNIA Distributing Yards CFIICAGO LOS ANGELES Sales Ollices 807 Hennepin Ave. 315 Monadnock Bldg. 7O2 E. Slauson Ave. 360 N. Michigan Ave. MINNEAtrOUS SAN
National Retail Dealers File Code Lumbermenf s Post Starts
The National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association submitted their code to the National Industrial Recovery Administration on July 27, and hearings have been set to start August 16.
The National Recovery Administration on August 4 authorized the immediate adoption of modified re-employment agreements for 11 industries, including retail lumber and building materials. The industries rvere permitted to put into effect wages and hour terms of their orvn codes in place of the voluntary blanket NRA agreement.
The retail lumber and building materials dealer code provides for a 40-hour week, with the exception for emergency and seasonal employment. Minimum wages are set by states or zones ranging from 3O cents in Alabama, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas and \A/est Virginia, to 45 cents in California, Illinois, Nerv York, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan and the larger cities in several other states. Wages of 35 and 4O cents an hour were provided in the rest of the territorv.
Visited Northwest
' Eddie Peggs, sales manager of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., has returned from a business trip to the Northwest where he visited a number of sawmills including those for which his company is California sales agent, and spent some time at the Portland office. He saved himself a lot of hard driving in hot weather by making the trip both ways on the company's steamers, and taking his car along.
Membership Drive
Lumbermen's Post, No. 403 of the American Legion, is carrying on an extensive drive to increase its membership. The Post now has 5O members and plans to increase its membership enrollment to 100 mernbers by September l. Membership in the Post has been extended to include the allied building industries.
Leo E. Hubbard, Hayward Lumber & Investment Co., I-os Angeles, is chairman of the Post's membership committee. Russell Gheen, C. D. Johnson Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is commander of the Post.
Ken Smith Attending Retailers ? I ll Locle neaflngs
Kenneth Smith, of Los Angeles, secretary of the Lumber & Allied Products Institute, left for Washington, Saturday evening, August 12, to attend the retail lumber clealer code committee meetings on August 14 and 15, and the retail lumber code hearings that will begin there on August 16. He will represent the Los Angeles' dealers.
Mr. Smith left for the National capitol from San Francisco where he was in attendance at the annual meetings of the Pacific Coast Hardwood Dealers' Association and the Pacific Coast Hardwood Flooring Dealers' Association on August Il and 12.
Returns From Vacation
A. B. Hammond, president of the Hammond Lumber Co., has returned to his office in San Francisco aftel spending a couple of weeks at Arrowhead Springs.
Cdifornie Panel & Veneer Co. ----I.B.C. California Redwood Accociation, The -------*
Crlifornia Vholerale Lumber Accociation ---*
C,cloter Company, The
Ctrmberlin & Co. \V. R. --------....---------------,21
Coopcr Lumber Co. W. E. ------------,---.-,-----21
Ddler Machine & Locomotive Works --,-----17
Dolbcer & Carron Lumber C.o. ------------------21
Safepacl Millr Ec Shgl. co. ____--------------2t
Union Lumber Co. ----....--------------------------------11
Wendling-Nathan Co.
J. E. MARTIN Managing Editor
M. ADAMS Cirqlation Manager
A. C. MERRYMAN Advertiring Muager