2 minute read
Millwork lnstitute Calls General Meeting to Discuss Code
The Millwork Institute of California has called a general meeting to be held at the San Carlos Hotel, Monterey, Calif., on Saturday, August 19, 1933. The purpose of tlie meeting is to take final ,consideration and approval of a C-ode of Fair Competition for the entire millwork industry of the state. All members of the industry are invited tb attend this important meetingi.
and June and by the uncertainties of the national and regional codes, the Associati:"
The California lumber situation showed no change during the past two weeks and continues quiet refecing the usual sea. sonal slow_up in business. Unsold stocks on fie public doc&s at San Pedro are very low and amounted to only g5lrOOO feet orr August 7. palSo arrivals at San Pedro fo,r the wee& ending August 5 totaled l2r3zlrffiO feet, and included 15 cargoes o1 Fir carrying llr984r000 feet and o,ne cargo of Redwood with 337r0ffJ f.et. 63 vessels in the coastwise lumber service were operating on August 3; 42 ve.*e[s were laid up.
State Retail Ass'n Delegates To Attend Code Hearings
The directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association met at Bakersfield, Calif., Friday, August 11, to discuss the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association code which has been filed with the Recoverv Administration at Washington,
Dee Essley and Harry A. Lake were delegated to represent Northern and Southern California, respectively, at the meetings of the Coordinating and Arbitration Committee, the Controlling Authority established by the code to assist the Recovery Administration at Washington, on August 14 and 15, and at the code hearings that will begin there on August 16. Mr. Essley and Mr. Lake left for Washington by airplane, Saturday evening, August 12.
As the Recovery Administration will only consider the National retail lumber code, each of the state and regional groups will constitute one of the divisions under the code.
As California represents one of the divisions for the purpose of administering the code in the state, the Association representatives will ask that the state be divided into two districts, Northern and Southern California, each district to have its own administration agencies.
The state association directors at a meeting at Santa Barbara on Saturday, August 5, adopted a State Code of Fair Competition as provided for under Section 3 of the Supplement to the California Recovery Act which has been filed at Sacramento.
BUtilil ltG 1{EW GARAGE @F REpAtRtl{ c
| \Therever softwood is used, the newly enlarged and newly priced I?'eyerhaeuser 4-SQUARE Line qualifies for the sale.
\7ith everything from No. 4 boards to the finest clear improved, guaranteed, trademarked, and sold at no extra cost, the 4-SQUARE Dealer is in position to make every sale do double duty.
Sell 4-SQUARE on every job,large or small,-and you get today's available business.
You also gct every present customer sold on this fine lumber, with its exffa values at no extra cost. I7hen he is ready for his big job, he comes back to the dealer who sells this improved lumber.
That's why 4-SQUARE for Evcry Job is thc practical sales program for prcsent and rcpeat business.