1 minute read
thot REAIIY helps DEALERS set MORE roofins BUSINESS
Cooperoting with the Federol Government's No' tionol Housing Act, the Pioneer-Flintkote Compony hos devised ond put into ellect o finoncing plon thot hos proved remorkobly beneliciol to rooling deolers throughout the West.
Unencumbered by the usuol "red tope" thot surrounds the ordinqry finoncing procedure - this Pioneer-Flintkote Plon gives the deoler o quick, ottroctive, simple meons of linoncing jobs thot otherwise would be lost to him.
As o meons of securingr new business, this plon is o proven success. Try it yourself-ond enjoy its benefits os other deolers-now ore.
(W. P. Fuller & Co., Sherrod Lumber Co.. Wilson F. Clork) from 3 deolers who KNOW whot the plon con do!
Ploneer-Fl.lntkote Conpany
5500 Alaneda Street
LoE Angeles, Cellfornla
0en t leBen:
Your nsthod of furtherln8 the Covermentrs efforts underyou Ploneer-Fllntkote N.H.A. Flnance Plan ls very comendable' and f,etlsh to state thst lt has been well recelveal here. we rt1l keep upour co-operatloh ln thls terrltory' anal feel sure the levorable results f,e hav€ had wlll contlnue.
Very truly yours.
Wllson F. Clark
Leorn first hond how the PioneerFlintkote Non-recourse N. H. A. Fn noncing Plon con open up NEW ond profitoble business for you. You will be omqzed ot its simpli' city-enthusiostic over the possibilities it offers-eoger to offer it to prospects who now moy be "holding off" lor lock of reody cosh.
Write now, todoy, Ior oll the por' ticulors. Cosh in on the Finoncinqt Plon thot hos mode business better for other deolers like yourself. Address your inqurry to the PioneerFlintkote Compony's oflice neorest you.