1 minute read
ago we started to manufacture CALIFORNIA SUGAR PINE AND PONDEROSA PINE
Today we are shipping quality products manufactured on the experience and underetanding of a quafter of a century of c€rvice.
It may be that the lead given by the Hammond Lumber Company in using the airplane in their business in California will be followed by other lumber companies, and that in the not distant future many may own and use planes for quick transportation of executives whose time is valuable to and from distant points.
In this pioneering experiment in air transportation the Hammond Lumber Company is particularly fortunate in having in George Gorman, their sales manager at the San Francisco office, a man who is also a veteran pilot.
Vacation At Lake Tahoe
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. White spent the month of July at Tahoe Tavern. Mr. White is president of White Brothers, San Fran'cisco.