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"Story in Pictu res"

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Chas. G. Bird, manager of the Stockton Lumber Company at Stockton, was the photographer of the a,ccompanying pi'ctures of George Ley of the Santa Cruz Lumber Company, Santa Cruz. Charlie had to use his "magic eye" to get these photographs and we are going to let him tell in his own words just how it all happened.

"On June 8th and 9th, George was one of the guests up at Fred Prescott's mountain lodge - 'Twin Brooks.'They have a very nice srvimming hole there about 13 feet deep and those who can take advantage of the swimming hole have built a raft -a very light affair, out 'of a couple of pieces of 2x6 with strips nailed across. As I recall it, it would be about 6 feet long and about 18 inches wide.

"After riding the raft myself and convincing Ed Robie to do likewise, we were then suocessful in getting George to take a try at it with the results as shown in the picture. I took the pictures as George was performing for us and then mounted them on a panel of which this is a print. The only one he posed for was the last one where he was drying out his 'undies'."

Pine Mill to be Reopened

The plant of the Yosemite Falls Lumber Company at Merced Falls, Calif., closed sin,ce 1930, is to reopen about August 20, ac,cording to an announcement by Herbert W. Matthews, superinterrdent of the company, at Merced, recently.

J. R. Ball, Michigan lumberman, will be in charge of the mill. One thousand men will be employed in the mill and in the woods.

The reopening of the plant was made possible by an RFC loan of $400,000.

ls an Incomplete Job

Good Enough for Your Customers ? ,T

I HERE'S no use putting building paper in only part of a wall or foor. Protection means complete coverage.

But are your customers getting (rcomplete coveragett when they put in paper so weak it tearg in application or with expoa€d aephalt that will dry out and crack in a short time?

With your experience in building materialc-you are in a,pooition to warn them of the trouble and expense that follow poor building paper aoolications" They want to avoid cupped and w.arped foort' spotted oi-wet plastet. You help them and help yourself by ehowing them the difietenle between Sisalkraft and ordinary paper for backing up stucco and all other building applications.

Ownets dontt want incomplete jobs. You dontt want to cell them. So we repeat-if ittc building paper they need, let it be Sisaltraft.

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