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Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Wanted to buy interest in retail lumber yard and assume management by man of 20 years' experience. State full particulars in first letter. Address Box C-565, California Lumber Merchant.
Good Opportunity For Sawmill Operation
Wants sawmill operator to put up mitl near Placerville, California, to cut stand of Pine timber. 60,000,000 feet of Pine timber availabtre. Good opportunity for small sawmill operation. Address Box C-559, care California Lumber Merchant.
Retail Lumber Yards For Sale
We can offer some attractive buys in retail lumber yards in Southern California. Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 549 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
Roth-Maier Lumber Co. Holds Barbecue
The Roth-Maier Lumber Co. of San Francisco held a big barbe'cue at their branch home yard at Salada Beach on Saturday afternoon, July 20, between the hours of I :00 and 4:00 p.m. Over 250 attended which included many neighboring farmers and county officials.. There were g'ames for the children, such as, three-legged race, egg race, tug-of-war, etc. Music was furnished throughout the afternoon. Refreshments were'served.
A full page advertisement in the H'alf Moon Bay Review ,carried an announcement of the barbecue with cordial invitations from Fred Roth, Paul Maier and their staff to the residents of the Coastside to attend. The ad 'carried photographs of 'Fred,. Roth and Paul Maier, pictures showing the front and a part of the interior of the office of their San Francis,co yard, a list of seven "extra specials" in lumber and building materials, together with a coupon when signed entitling those present to purchase not more than one each of the specials advertised, which would be on sale at their yard the following week.
The purpose of the party was to get better acquainted with the residents of the Coastside and to show to them many of the new lines the ,company has added to serve that district. In addition to Mr. Roth and Mr. Maier, the company was also r,epresented at the barbecue by D. O. Duffell, pioneer lumberman and former mayor of Santa Clara; "Andy" Barberi, the ,compahy's field sales manager; Harry Gaetjen, manager of the Fmpire, Planing Mill and widely known in millwork circles, and other department heads.
Spending Vacation In Middlewest
Bill Giles, Giles Lumber Co., Lennox, is on a vacation trip to Illinois and other points in the I\{iddlewest
Experienced Lumberman Wants Position
Lumberman with successful softwood and hardwood sales record, also experienced as executive and in all lumber offi,ce details, wants position. Will go anywhere. Will appreciate an interview. Address Box C-564, ,care California Lumber Merchant.
Management of Retail Yard wanted by experien,ced lumberman. Age 38, married. Fourteen years experience, eleven as manag'er. Understand bookkeeping and office details. With same firm seven years. Best of references. Address Box C-561, California Lumber Merchant.
Mrny Nu-Wood Jobs rt San Diego
Ameri,ca's Exposition at San Diego, California, is an exhibit of Nu-Wood interior finish units as well. Ovqr 100,000 square feet of these units help to make exhibits, auditoriums, restaurants and villages more attractive.
Just as in Chicago's Century of Progress in 1933 and 1934, Nu-Wood's striking texture and interesting variegated colors caused it to be selected for wall and ceiling treatment in a large number of exhibition buildings. Nu-Wood Plank has been used most frequently because of its easy ability to fit into the plans for Spanish design, which is the architectural basis of the San Diego Exhibition. Easily the show place of the Exhibit, the "Cafe of the World" is also the show place for Nu-Wood products. Nu-Wood Plank has been applied in walls and ceilings of its main dining room, its bar rooms and ,casino. On the side walls of the central bar room, Nu-Wood Plank has been applied in 45 degree angle matched panels on the upper sidewalls. The entire application has provided attractive interior finish as well as insulating value and acoustical correction.
Other outstanding examples of Nu-Wood interior finish application at the San Diego Fair are the auditorium in the "House of Hospitality", the exhibit of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, in the Hall of Science, the Fair Administration offi,ce and the office of the Department of Admissions.
Nu-Wood units are manufactured by Wood Conversion Company, St. Paul, Minnesota, a Weyerhaeuser unit. They are available in Tile, Plank and Wainscot units, as well as in Board form. This ,company also manufactures BalsamWool, flexible house insulation. The company,s products are marketed through retail lumber dealers exclusively.
George Grant Visits Los Angeles
George Grant, California sales manager of the Coos Bay Lumber Co., Oakland, was a Southern California visitor last week where he spent a few days at the company's Los Angeles office.