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Forest Growth in Douglas Fir Region
How mu,ch wood the forest land of western Oregon and western Washington produ,ces each year, and how much it' is capable of prodircing under improved management, are questions that can be answered dependably, a.ccording to Thornton T. Munger, director of the Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station. The station has just concluded the growth phase.of a detailed survey of the region's forest resources and will issue a report prepared chiefly by W. H. Meyer and P. A. Briegleb, on "Forest Growth ,Iri the Douglas Fir Region."
The results of the regional forest survey, under the dire'ction of H. J. Andrews, which is part of a nation-wide project, show how nearly, in the Douglas fir region, the forest is holding its own against present inroads, and indicate to what degree, if present trends continue, it will still stand the inroads of the future.
The'current annual growth of the Douglas fir and other coniferous stands is found to amount to about 886 million cubic feet, or 2,30O million board feet; that of the hardWoods, 31 million cubic feet, or 72 million board feet.
'Average annual depletion for timber of all species during the decade preceding 1933 is ,calculated as 8,300 million board feet, incl'uding a 7,9& million foot cut. Measured in 'board feet, the ,current annual growth of coniferous stands is only about 28.per cent of their average annual depletion in that decade.
Potential annual conferous glowth, whi'ch under intensive forestry practice could be produced each year on the lands suitable for timber production, is found to be approximately 2,759 million cubic feet, or 8,200 million board feet.
The close correspondence of the potential growth and the depletion means that in the'Douglas fir region an annual drain on the forests such as that of the decade preceding 1933 could be equalled by their annual growth if the overmature stands were replaced with growing stands, the forest lands now idle were regenerated, and the density of the existing second growth stands were brought nearer to normal.
Copies of this mimeographed report can be obtained gratis from Pacific Northwest Forest Experiment Station, A3 U. S. Court Hbuse, Portland, Oregon.
Joins Sales Staff
E. F. Lankenau has joined the sales stafi of the San Pedro Lumber Co. and is calling on the retail trade in the Los Angeles territory. He was formerly with the H, H. Hettler Lumber Co,, Chicago, Ill.