3 minute read

Art-Ply---N ew Inlaid Plywood

Art-Ply, an inlaid plyr.vood, is a new product that has been perfected by the Vancouver Plywood & Veneer Co. of Vancouver, Wash. A. J. Gram, sales manager of the company, says, "The new Douglas fir wallboard recently developed in their Vancouver, Wash., plant does away with the necessity of battens entirely. Art-Ply opens a new field is ,copyrighted under the name of Art-Ply and patents are pending in Washington, D. C. Newly perfected machines at the Vancouver, Wash., plant groove the ply'rvood for the inlaid moulding and other machines lay and glue it' Four standard patterns are now available: Random Plank, Standarcl Plank, Rectangular Tile, ancl Square Tile. The

How Art-Ply is applieil to the ioists anil ioineil utith a "seU'pattern" ol inlaiil mouliling. (Patents Pend'ing.) for plywood, and it lends itself to an unlimited variety of artistic uses."

The new material is made like plywood, three-ply, and in 4 ft. by 8 {t. panels; but the new and novel feature is the fact that the panels are grooved by special machinery

Kitchen in a large Colonial' home in Portlanil, Ore. A4-PIy Square Tile pattern is used,-for unlls anilUceilTr;rrT.urn, washable enarnel couers company has been experimenting for about a year, and are now in produ,ction, turning out about two carloads a week' They expect to increase this considerably in the next thirty days.

Art-Ply is packed like ordinary plywood; ten 5 ft' by B ft' panels to the package; wrapped in manila, with the necessary moulding to'cover the joints. The approximate weight is 252 pounds to the package. The Vancouver Plyrvood & Veneer Company plans to sell through jobbers'

Business Shows Big Increase

A large increase in business for the first seven months of this year over the same period of last year is reported by W. P. Mclntyre & Son, Fortuna, manufacturers of Redwood shingles, shakes and split products.

(Lelt) Art-Ply Rectangular TiIe; 4 by 8 ft. panel; inloid' witi m.ould'ing to lorm nine L6x32 inch rectangles. Rabbeted, all arounil. (Rieht) Art'Ply Rand'om Plank; AxB It. panel; inlaiil utith moulding a oarying uiilths to giue a ranitom'u"";r"X;!!"::1,,?!,'i.0"' ontv untess and into these grooves, or dadoes; neat, simple mouldings are inlaid flush with the surface, bound with water-resisting glue. The mouldings are used to ,create standardized panels of random plank, standard plank, and tile patterns. These panels are joined by a separate piece of the same moulding which covers rabbeted edges. The new material

The Mclntyre family has been making shingles since 1928, and the plant has been completely modernized under the management of Parker Mclntyre, son of the founder of the business.

The plant has a ,capacity ol l7O squares of "Big Tree Brand" shingles and 16,000 shakes in eight hours' The three Moore dry kilns can dry 1,300 squares at one loading'

With the largest stock of bolts on hand since 1924 this concern is ready to handle a large volume of business this fall. A considerable business is also done in split shakes, mine timbers, ties, posts and other split products, and plans are being laid for the manufacture of resawn shakes.

Announces Personnel Changes

Announcement h a s been made by E. H. Batchelder, Ir., vicepresident of The Insulite Company, of several important additions to, and promotions in, The Insulite Company's sales staff, as follows :

Joe Sanders, Jr., has been promoted to the position of assistant to vice-president, and will have charge of the newly ,created public relations branch of the executive sales depart_ ment.

E. A. Anderson has been promoted to the E, H. Batcheld,er, Jr. Northwest sales district. NIinne- position of sales manager, apolis, Minn.

Carl F. Heym has been promoted to the position of as_ sistant sales manager, Southern sales distri,ct. St. Louis. Mo.

T. J. Lindstrom has been assigned to executive sales duties in the building and industrial markets of the Northwest district.

J. Frederick Koch has been appointed manager, general sales branch at Minneapolis headquarters.

All the promotions and new appointments are to take effe,ct immediately.

Speaking of the appointments and promotions, Vice President Batchelder says, ,.With the return of much bet_ ter ,conditions in the building industry generally and the extremely favorable results in our own sales, it has become necessary for us to establish new departments in our sales organization and make additions in the personnel of our existing bran,ches. With the expansion of our personnel activities through these aclditional jobs and promotions we expect to broaden and enlarge our programs in su.ch man_ ner as to further in,crease the services in sales helps, adver_ tising, and publi,c relations activities which our dealers .an use to their advantage."

Opens Sales Oliice in Omaha

N. H. Huey has opened an office in the Brandeis Theatre Building, Omaha, Neb., for the Oregon Lumber Company of Baker, Ore., and is district sales manager for fowa, k"._ sas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and Texas. Mr. Huey was connected with the Oregon Lumber Com_ pany twenty-five years ago with headquarters in Chicago, after which he entered the retail lumber business in Ar_ kansas City, Kansas, and the last nine years he spent in Phoenix, Arizona.

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