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California Lumber Merchant, August 1 5, 1926
"Working for Quality in Fir" is an article' in this issue on the West Oregon Lumber Company lumber operations at Linnton, Ore.
Jack Dionne, who is on a trip in the Northwest, sends in a very interesting arti'cle on the Long-Bell lumber operations at Longview, Wash. ***
Fred Holmes, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., San Francis,co, with his brother-in-law, Carlos Carter, and their wives and families, have returned from an automobile tour and fishing trip in Northern California and Southern Oregon. A picture shows Fred and Mr. Carter holding a fine string of trout caught at Lake Diamond, Ore.
The San Francisco sales and servi'ce station of the Simonds Saw & Steel Co. has moved to 22G228 First Street in a modern building with up-to-date machinery installed for any kind of saw repair work. A picture of their new San Fran,cisco office and servi,ce station appears with the article.
The tri-annual convention of the Millwork Institute of California was held at San Diego on August 5-6 at the Hotel San Diego.
Further expansion of the $2,000,000 Pioneer Paper Co. factory at Los Angeles, which will triple the capacity of its production over a year ago, has been announced.
The C. D. Johnson Lumber Company has moved its Los Angeles office to the Petroleum Securities Building. Russell T. Gheen is manager.
Seventy-five thousand feet is a whale of a lot of lumber for one car, but that was the amount loaded by George C. Brown & Company of Memphis, Tenn., for E. J. Stanton & Son of Los Angeles. The shipments was fu-inch Supercedar closet lining.
Some 200 employes and their families attended the annual picnic of the Volunteer Fire Department of the Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., Eureka, on July 25.