1 minute read

Sudden et Ghristenson

Lurnber and Shtpptng

7th Floor, Alaska-Comnrercial Bldg., AGBNTS lPilhpe Herbor Lunbcr Millr

Anoricrn Milt Co.

Hoquirn Lunbcr & Shinglc Co.

Hulbat Mill Co.


6t0 Board of Tradc Btfu

31O Sansome Street, San Francisco STEAMERS

Abcrdcro, \fuL Ryder Hanify

Hoq-ie6, Voh Dorothy eehifl

AbGr.dE, If.A. Jane Chrirtearoa

Rrymoa4 VarL Charler Cbrirtcnro

Br.lch Oficct: SEATTLE

Nationel Banlc of Conncnce Bldg.

Northern Representative Appointed

Atkinson-Stutz Company, wholesale lumber dealers, San Francisco, recently appointed Hal Ewart of Portland, Ore., their Northern representative.

Mr. Ewart has a large acquaintance among lumber manufacturers in the Pacific Northwest. and has had considerable experience in buying lumber.

Calls On Mills

George R. Kendrick, California Divison manager of Pope & Talbot Lumber Company, returned to San Francisco August 4 from a business trip to the co.mpany's mills and offices in Washington and Oregon. He also called on a number of mills in the Willamette Vallev.


Annic Ctrirtcnroa

Edwin Chri*cnron

Cethctinc G. Suddco

Eleeaor Chriacaroa


200 Hcary Bldg.

Texas Lumberman Visits West Coast

Maurice Angly, president of the wholesale lumber concern of that name, Houston, Texas, spent several days in Los Angeles and San Francisco on business, and then left for an auto tour of some of the milling districts of California, Oregon, and Washington. His concern is one of the most active and successful wholesale lumber and shingle firms of the South, with wholesale distribution yards scattered over Texas.

Appointed Yard Manager

William South has been appointed manager of the San Pedro Lumber Company yard at Compton. He has been with the company for the past four years and goes to Compton from the firm's main office in l-os Angeles.

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