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Fillg a dcftnite need in the congtruction or renoYrtion of a buildinlt or r home where conYen ience, scrvicc and cost rle prclequisitca.

RetailNews Flashes

The annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held at the Huntington Hotel, Pasadena, on Thursday and Friday, November 3 and 4, 1938.

Roy Johnson, Graves Company, Los Angeles, leaves August 20 for the Redwood region where he will spend his vacation.


E. L. Bauer, president of the Bauer Lumber Company, Compton, with his wife and family, left on August 1 for Minnesota where they will vacation for six weeks.

A meeting of the board of directors of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association will be held at Monterey, Saturday, August 20.

Tom N. Douglass, formerly of the Acme Lumber Company, San Francisco, has been named assistant to I. E. Horton, manager of the South City Lumber & Supply Co. of South San Francisco.

Lee Muller, San Gabriel Gabriel, with his wife and Alaska.

Valley Lumber son, left August Company, San 1 on a trip to

Chas. E. Bonestel, general manager of the People's Lumber Company, Ventura, is on a ten-day hunting trip.

Rudie Henderson, Lone Pine Lumber & Supply Co., Lone Pine, left August 9 for Indiana where he will visit his father. He will then go to Minnesota to meet Mrs. Henderson and their children who have been spending the summer with Mrs llenderson's folks. He will be back on the iob again about September 1.

J. Frank Wright, of the Brey-Wright Lumber Company, Porterville, has returned from a vacation spent in Alaska.

Another Retail Lumber Price List from the t'Horse and Buggy" Days

In the July 15 issue lve published a retail price list of the "horse and buggy" days issued by Patten & Davies Lumber & Fuel Co. of Los Angeles (now Patten-Blinn Lumber Co.), sent us by Alex H. Corless.

C. C. Ganahl, president of C. Ganahl Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has submitted one of their own price lists, the Schallert-Ganahl Lumber Co. under date of October 22, 1888. This was some four years after the business was organized under the name C. Ganahl. Below is a reproduction of this list.

"This print," says Mr. Ganahl, "indicates not only the delightful simplicity of the lumber business as it rvas conducted in those days, but also it might be of interest to know that Common Pine and Redwood were laid down at San Pedro at approximatelv one-half of the indicated retail price. This would seem that the lumberman of the eighties was a better merchant than he seems to be today, since a mark-up ol IOO% over ship's tackle price on Common grades merely seems like a bit of ancient history."

$ulalltrl-fianail lunlut Co,

Ten Years Ago Today

From August 15, 1928 lssue

It is always a good thing for a lumber dealer to so operate and live that he shall be highly esteemed and well spoken of in his own home town. The Byron Times contained a glowing write-up of George A. Good, president of the Good Lumber Companv at Tracy and Byron, saying in part, "At all times Mr. Good is alert as to how he best can help the communities he serves in their upbuilding programs, whether it is something affecting his particular business or not. He is a firm believer in the creed that if one works earnestly for the good of a community as a whole, in time it is bound to reciprocate. He has done his full share of community work."

H. G. Larrick, Solano Beach retailer, is issuing a beautiful and practical house organ, "Sunkist Splinter," which he is sending to his trade every month. Eight of the twelve pages is a sepia colored Rotagravure section, showing beautiful homes and building plans, and the other four pages carry news of the district.

This issue carries an illustrated article on the new plant of the Douglas Lumber Company at Phoenix, Ariz.

Bill Sampson, Sampson Companv, Pasadena, receives congratulations from his many lumbermen friends, the occasion being the arrival of a baby girl, Joan Frances, on Juty 24.

The Diamond Match Company, Chico, Calif., announces that they will open a Southern California warehouse and sales branch of their Apiary Department at Los Angeles. The company has for many years operated a factory for the manufacture of bee hives and apiary supplies at Chico.

Among those who sailed on the S. S. President Taft on the Shriners' tour of the Orient were Mr. and Mrs. Perry Whiting of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs Harry S. Thomson and Mr. and Mrs Henry Bode of San Francisco.

Col. W. B. Greely, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, Seattle, Wash., was the speaker at a luncheon meeting of the Douglas Fir Club, San Francisco, on July 13.


D. Norman Cords, Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, came back {rom his vacation the other day with a deep tan developed at Monte Rio on the Russian River, where he fished, boated and swam for a couple of weeks.

Lewie Godard, sales manager pany, San Francisco, is on the tion in the Pacific Northwest.

of Hobbs Wall & Comjob again after a vaca-

R. O. Wilson, San Francisco lumberman, says California looks good to him after six weeks' tour of many points in the Middle West, East and Eastern Canada. He saw excellent crops all over the Middle West and East, and lumbermen he called on in various parts of the country were experiencing some pickup in business and were expectant of good business in the fall.

Mason Kline, Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, spent last week at the company's mill at Fort Bragg. Mrs. Kline and their two children accompanied him on the trip.

Girth G. Beyer, Los Angeles, Southern California manager for Sudden & Christenson, has returned from a fishing trip in the High Sierra.

Frank Ransom, general manager of the Eastern & Western Lumber Company, of Portland, Oregon, spent several weeks in July vacationing in Northern California.

J. O. Means, Los Angeles representative for John E. Marshall, Inc., and Mrs. Means, spent the last two weeks vacationing in San Francisco and on the Monterey Peninsula.

Al l.{olan, gunner for The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, has been looking things over in Southern California of late.

Francis Pool, Phoenix, Arizona, who represents E. K. Wood Lumber Company in Arizona, spent his vacation on the California coast.

A cornplete stock of air-seasoned or kilndriedshingles ready for irnmediate delivery.

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