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Photoeraphs on this page testify to the eteady increaee in the" uie of Wolniaiired Lumber. That'i becauee people want the protection. Home Ownere or big busineeemen. they rcahze that the slight extra cost is soon outbalanced by the preventioi of decay -and termite damage. Tell vour prospective customerE about Wolmanized f,umber.'Manv will want it, vou get their businees for Wobnanized Lti-ber and also ior uitreated materials. And you get the profito because Wolmanized Lumber is eold thr6ueh relular trade channels. Wol' manized Lumber is suiplied by well-known producerso in straight carloads or^irixed with untreatedmaterialFor full details. write today to: AMERICAN LUMBER ANDTREAfING COMPANY, f40B Old Colony Building, Chicago.
We invite lumber crdvcrntcAe ol our siocks ol
SUGAR PINE dealers to tcke well qssorted
SMALL HOMES like thie have eills, joistso subfloore of Vol' manized Lumber, a low.cost protection againet dfcayand termite damage, becauee tbe whole house is protected' and the extra expensele leee than 2/s of what the house coets.
BULKIIEAD for this fiIl ie Vol' manized Lumber. Moi6t earth on one eide, gteam from a laundrY on the other. but it will laet! Note how clean it ie.
NO NEED to uBe tubgtitutes for lumber, thie advertieement telle architecte. Advertiaing of Wohnanized Lumber to consrimers, build' ere, architecte helps you to eell.
Loe Anselee, l03l South Broadwayo PRospect 4363 San Fra"ncieco, 116 New Montgomery St., SUtter 1225