3 minute read
Red River offers q product and a service oI specicl value. A product derived lrom cr lorest growth ol exceptionql quality. Accurately mqnufcrctured, thoroughly and unilormly secsoned.
Yeqr round production and variety ol product mcrnulcrctured at one point grve llexibility to MIXED CAR cssortments qnd prompt deliveries.
OAKLAND half of the year will be much better than the first. At that, cement sales for the early part of this year fell off much less than did automobile sales. And auto makers are planning for a busy fall.
The Douglas Fir n"onrl "1" lo",r"rrally improving and extending their production and distribution of plywood. One of the most momentous and useful products in the history of wood, is plywood.. And they are continually finding new places and ways to use it, new shapes into which to make it, new improvements in its construction for various purposes. You'll be surprised the new and unique and remarkable things they are going to do with plywood in the next year or so. When Henry Ford said that there would be more scientific advancement in the next fifty years than there has been in the last thousand, he could have been thinking of plywood.
Sends Jack Dionnbs Editorial To Salesmen
I' appreciate very much the five copies of your June 15th issue.
I think that Jack Dionne's remarks on page fourteen are well worth careful consideration, and I am sending copies to most of our salesman up and down the Coast. I hope they will read it as intently as I did and appreciate all he has to offer.
Charles M. Barker, President
The B. F. Sturtevant Company, Berkelev. Calif.
Gus Russell At Bohemian Grove
A. J. "Gus" Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, took time out to attend the San Francisco Bohemian Club's annual celebration, held July 16 to 30.
Oakland Mill Burned
Fire of undetermined origin destroyed the plant of the Standard Mill & Lumber Company, Oakland, July 31. Loss is estimated at $30.000.
The California Redwood folks are doing a little merchandising trick that I admire. Fence Pickets. Yes, Sir, fence pickets. Made out of clear waste of course, so that the raw material costs nothing, they are making up what they call a "picket pack" that is new in the building game. They make L22 stock styles and sizes of pickets which can be converted into about 50,000 possible fence designs. The pickets come in packs, attractively bundled together, and each "picket pack" contains instructions and diagrams for making fences. They plan to put enough pickets into each pack to build ten feet of fence. The idea is swell. Easy for the retailer to sell attractive fences. Easy for the builder to secure a choice of same. ft's nice work if you can get it.
A humorous Western lumber manufacturer pulled a good one on me the other day. He raised the subject of second Growth Short Leaf Yellow Pine and its rapid rate of growth. "I've heard something," he said, "and I want to ask you if it is true. I hear that in some parts of the South they go out after every heavy rain and cut a brand new crop of sawlogs. Is it true?"
Likes Editorials And Salesmanship Articles
Please find enclosed check. Your Editorials and articles on Salesmanship are very good. Lew B. Train Long Beach, Calif.
East Bay Club Directors Meet
The board of directors of East Bay Hoo Hoo Club meet August D at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland. The next regular dinner meeting of the club will be held about the middle of September, when the new offrcers will be elected and installed.
Builds New Shed
Hammond Lumber Company, Watsonville, is building a new shed for Fir Commons and Redwood shingles.
Retail Lumber Groups tVill Fisht FTC Cease and Desist Order
At a meeting of the California Lumbermen's Council held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August 4, it was decided to appeal against the cease and desist order of the Federal Trade Commission, directed against the officers and 'members of the California Lumbermem's Council, Fresno, and its affiliated units, Coast Counties Lumbermen's Club, Watsonville; Central Valley Lumbermen's Club, Stockton; Northern Counties Lumbermen's Club, Sacramento; Peninsula Lumbermen's Clirb, Redwood City, and San Joaquin Lumbermen's Club, Fresno.
The appeal will be taken to the Ninth District Circuit Court of Appeals.
President Geo. C. Burnett, Burnett Lumber Company, Tulare, presided at the meeting.
About 1,000,000 feet of lumber with an estimated value of $,10,000 was destroyed by fire in the yard of the Knox Lumber Company, Sacramento, August 1.
O. H. NIiller, president and general manager of the company, said the greater part of the loss is covered by insurance.
The fire started, it was said, when a grass fire got away from a crew that was clearing an adjoining lot and ignited a lumber pile.
The offices were not harmed by the fire, but one freight car loaded with lumber was burned.