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The picture shown above of the plant of the West Coast Screen Company at 1145 East 63rd Street, Los Angeles illustrates graphically the splendid growth of this concern, manufacturers of the well-known Hollywood Combination Screen and Metal Sash Door, for the frontage of the factory is now 212 feet as against the 42 feet frontage of the original building, The present building goes back 145 feet, and the total space occupied is a little over 30,000 square feet.

The owner and founder of this business, Francis G. Hanson, is evidently a believer in the advice attributed to Henry Ford that the way to make a success of manufacturing is to make something that the public needs and then go ahead and tell the world about it, for he has done this very thing in making and promoting the sale of the Hollywood Door.

Mr. Hanson started in a small way in 1923, and the plant now employs between 80 and 100 men. Some of the employees have been on the job since the start and more than 20 of them have been there 10 years.

O. W. Wright is general manager. Fred Johnsen is credit manager. Mr. Hanson's two daughters, Florence and Ruth, assist him in the office.

Roy Uthe, plant superintendent, has been with the company since the start, 15 years, and so has T. W. Saunders, sales manager of the retail department.

Leo Kleinheinz is foreman of the day shift, and E. A. Snow is foreman of the night crew.

I'et Us Quote You ([)1---

The plant has operated two shifts for the past two and a half years, an enviable record for this period.

Recent improvements include the installation of a Grinnell Sprinkler system throughout, some new machinery, remodeling of the office, and the installatio,n of a nerv vault for the books and records.

Now just a short description of the firm's principal product, the Hollywood Door, which they proudly call the "Aristocrat of screen and metal sash doors."

It is constructed of the best Sugar Pine with either Ponderosa Pine or Fir panels, moisture-proofed against the weather. The screen section may be had with either 14 or 16 galvanized or copper screen. The pullman type sash, of aluminum lacquered coldrolled steel, is equipped with weather stripping and moves in a galvanized track with eight adjustable positions, affording safety, ventilation and health protection in all weather. Sash may be instantly removed for cleaning without damage to screen or finish. It is burglar proof and locks into position. The galvanized metal guides prevent sash from rattling, binding or sticking.

All Hollywood Door screen sections are made from screen cloth manufactured by Pacific Wire Products Company, Los Angeles.

The Hollywood Door is sold through sash and door and lumber dealers, and each year has shown a steady advance in the volume of sales over an ever widening sales territory.

Joins A. L. Hoover's Sales Staff

Neal A. Tebb has joined the sales staff of A. L. (Gus) Hoover and is calling on the retail trade in the Bay district, and Orange and San Diego counties. He is well known with the retail lumber trade and was formerly salesman for Don Doud. Mr. Iloover is Southern California representative for The Pacific Lumber Company and Wendling-Nathan Co. with offices in the E. Clem Wilson Bld,g., 5225 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles.

Facts About Redwood

The length of the commercial belt in Northwestern Cali- fornia, is approximately 450 miles.

The width averages about 150 miles.

Originally there were 1,600,000 acres of timber in this stand. Today there is approximately 1,000,000 acres remaining uncut.

There is estimated to be 55 billion feet of this timber left in this stand, outside of the forest preserves and parks that are not to be cut.

The present rate of cutting is about 5,000 acres a year. At this rate it would take 2@ years to cut it all.

'Redwood grows faster than any other American commercial wood with the possible exception of Short Leaf Southern Pine.

Sash and Door Wholesalers tVill Have Golf Tournament August 17

The Wholesale Sash and Door Association of Southern California will hold a golf tournament, Wednesday, August 17, at the Altadena Golf Club, North Hill Street, Pasadena. The golfers will tee off at 1:3O P.M. Dinner will be served in the Club House at 6:30 P.M., after which the prizes will be awarded to the winners of the various events in the tournament.

David Teachout and Marshall Deats are making the arrangements and they have prepared for an enjoyable afternoon and evening.

D. H. Doud and S. C. Smith Form Partnership

D. H. Doud, sales representative for Anderson & Middleton Lumber Co., Polson Lumber & Shingle Co., and Polson Mill Co., announces that commencing August 1, Stuart C. Smith will be associated with him under the name of Doud-Smith. They operate the steamships "Cadaretta" and "Claremont." Their offices are in the Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles.

Mr. Doud has represented this group of mills in the Southern California territory since January, L936, and prior to that was sales manager for the Defiance Lumber Co. at Tacoma, Wash. Mr. Smith has been associated with the wholesale lumber business in the Los Angeles market for a long period and was formerly with the West Oregon Lumber Company.

The lire-resistant insulcrting slcb-provides 3 importcnt qdvqntcges qs q single modercte cost: l. It is highly efiicient insulation. Therurcx in rools, ceilings cnd side wclls sqves luel cnd gucrds comlorl penncnently.

2. It's c better building mctericl. Themrcrx slcbs build locd-becring rool decks, fireproof pcrtitions cnd ceilings. They ccn be scwed, ncriled, used with steel lrcming or lcid up in mortcr<nd provide cnr idecrl bcse lor plcrster trnd stucco.

3. It's cn effective sound insulqtor. Thenncoc plcrstered pcrtitions cnd ceilings reduce the trcrnsmission oI noise lrom room to room -<rnd Thenncx crlso hcrs definite sound cbsorption vcrlue when lelt exposed.

Wholesqle Distributors

Complete Stocks in 1", X' ad 3" lhicknesses ccrrried in our wcrehouse for irnmedicle service

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