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Grade-Marking Discussed bv Council
Members of the California Lumbermen's Council discussed the evils and advantages of grade-marked lumber at a second meeting held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, August 4.
Col. W. G. Greeley, secretary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association; Seattle, was present by invitation of the Council, also Kenneth Smith, secretarymanager, Lumber & Allied Products Institute Los Angeles.
W. K. Kendrick, of the Valley Lumber Company, Fresno, led the discussion for the members and directed most of the questions to Col. Greelev.
There was a representative attendance of members, and the opinion rvas afterlvards expressed by some of these that a great deal of information on the subject of grademarking had been gained by those present, and that a lot of good should result lrorn the meeting.
Building New Office
Hebbron Lumber Companv, Santa Cruz, has construction of a new office building to replace destroyed by fire a few months ago.