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A Sensational New Product That Sells on Sioht




Since 1888


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The Yard Office Towel Plans to Grade \7ood for Building Purposes

Bv J. C. D.

When I think of the towel, The old fashioned towel, That used to hang up By

A tentative plan for grading North European pini for building purposes in Great Britain will soon be announced by a committee working under the auspices of the British Standards Institution in cooperation with the Forest products Resear.ch Laboratory, the Forest Products Division, Department of Commerce made known on July 11.

The teamsters abused it. The yard men all used it, The bookkeeper tried it

When others were gone. The shed man, the foreman, The customer-poor man, Each rubbed some grime ofi As they put a heap on.

It grew thicker and rougher, And harder and tougher, And each day it put on An inkier hue.

Until one windy morning, Without any warning, It fell to the floor And was BROKEN IN TWO.

Alton Williams Wins Scholarship

Alton R. Williams, son of Rex Williams, wholesale sales_ man for Eureka Sash Door & Moulding Mills, San Francisco, won the Brown Military Academy scholarship for outstanding proficiency, Julry 8. Alton, who is Sergeant of cavalry, attended C.M.T.C. at Presidio of Monterev.


Guy E. Smith of the Rockport Redwood Company, Los Angeles, spent last week at the company's San Francisco office.

Importance 'of this move to American lumbermen lies in the fact that if the framing in light construction, such as dwellings, is based on a minimum bending strength of 800 pounds per square inch, which would be along lines already marked out by the Building By-Laws of the London City Council, then all American softwoods would be entirely suitable for British construction purposes.

It is also assumed that wherever grades are recommended for European softwoods by the British authorities, comparable recommended grades will be given for American softwoods.

The American lumber industry has prepared material to be presented at the Fifth International Conference on Timber Utilzation at Zurich, August D, when grading and sorting of lumber from the viewpoint of building construction will be one of the topics of consideration.


M. E. Joslin, head of the Joslin Lumber Company, Inglewood, who was seriously injured in an automobile crash in Los Angeles last May, is now able to be back on the job part time.


Visalia, August 9.-The sale of the main part of the Redwood Mountain tract, containing the finest privatelyowned stand of Sequoia gigantea in California, to the United States government in a transaction involving more than half a million dollars, was announced here today.


Jaekle Bros., planing mill operators, Napa, Calif., recently started construction of a $125,00O planing mill to replace their plant which was destroyed by fire a few weeks ago.

The mcny plecsing detcils incorporcted into this little home mcrke it most interesting. Ecrch room is well lighted crnd the lcrrge cenlrclly loccrtedliving room opening onto both lront cnrd recrr porches crdd to its comlort qnd convenience.

The comptete working blue print plcns ccn be lurnished by the E. M. DERNIEB SERVICE BIIBEAU' 0443 Fourih Avenue, Los Angeles, Cclilomicr, whose plcnning curd designing service is under the direct supervision ol Wm. E. Chadwick, Regristered Structurcl Engineer.

Plywood Production Maintains Commanding Position in Lumber Industry

New and more extensive uses that are being found daily for Douglas fir plywood, together with a steadily growing demand in the domestic and foreign markets for the "engineered lumber," combine to make plywood production in the United States one of the most important trends in the lumber industry today, according to the Forest Products Division, Department of Commerce.

One of the oldest lumber manufacturing process known to man, plywood was produced by the Chinese thousands of years ago, and is found in the furniture of the ancient Egyptians. Its production commercially in the United States did not begin until 1905. Thirty-two years later, however, the plywood industry, reached an all-time peak of production of.725,W,000 square feet and represented a $25,000,000 investment.

That the United States is becoming increasingly "plywood conscious" is known by the increased consumption in the domestic market, which absorbs about 90 per cent of the total production.

A striking demonstration of plywood's versatility is currently demonstrated at the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Francisco, where over ten million square feet of the material have been used. The exterior of the Federal Building and the 104-foot towers of the Colonnade of States show the adaptability of plywood as an exterior finish. Plywood is also used at the Exposition in the construction of many models and dioramas.

The United States government, through the Public Buildings branch of the Procurement Division, is using considerable quantities of plywood. It has been found of value in the construction of experimental buildings of the Farm Security Administration of the Agriculture Department. A notable example of the strength and durability of plywood was shown durng the September hurricane last year, when the partially completed United States Coast Guard Station at Eaton's Neck, Long Island, N. Y., withstood the high wind which demolished completely other buildings in the vicinity.

Stimulation of low cost housing construction in the United States has reacted favorably on the plywood mar-

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