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wholesalc Softwoods including Douglas Fir
Commons and Clears
'. STANTON & since 1892
Pioneer Hardwood & Pine Merchants ket. In t937 of $45,500,000 worth of plywood-about ten per cent of the production-went into ready cut and portable houses. Construction of tanks, vats, and battery separators also consumed vast amounts of the "engineered" Iumber.
Payrolls in the plywood industry last year totaled $7,500,000 and listed more than 5,000 employees.
While the export market for plywood is only ten per cent of total production in the United States, this trade is important. More than 4O foreign countries are importers of North Pacific plywood and their consumption acts as a stabilizer of the home industry so that seasonal shutdowns are minimized.
A very smcrll stock oI Hcrrdwood Lumber, Port Orlord Cedcri crnd Spruce will encble you to give prompt <rnd scrtisfactory service to your customers cnd increcrse your scles. Our scrlesmen will help you select lastmoving items.