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News Flashes

Ensign John S. (Jack) Butler, formerly with his father, Seth L. Butler, Northern California representative of Dant & Russell, Inc., has completed his course at Naval Supply School, Harvard lJniversity, and has returned to San Francisco, where he r,r'ill spend some time at home before leaving for duty in Hawaii.

Brian Bonnington, son of G. F. (Jerry) Bonnington of Lamon-Bonnington Co., San Francisco, is working during summer vacation at Big Lakes Box Company, Klamath Falls. Brian is a student at the Universitv of San Francisco.

Jack Ivey, Los Angeles, California representative of the Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, is back from a three weeks' field trip which covered all of the Sacramento Valley and the San Francisco Bav area.

H. B. Ilewes, nationally known lumberman, arrived in San Francisco August 5 where he rvill spend some time at his of6ce, 2ffi Calif.ornia Street.

Lewis A. Godard, sales manager of Hobbs Wall Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned August 5 by plane from a business trip to Los Angeles.

Jim Farley, assistant Western sales manager of The Pacific Lumber Company, San Francisco, returned last week from a business trip to Salt Lake Citl'.

Hold Sales Conference

George R. Kendrick, manager, California Sales Division, Pope & Talbot, Inc., Lumber Division, San Francisco, and sales representatives W. W. Davies of Phoenix and Ray Wheeler of San Diego, attended a sales conference at the company's Los Angeles office the latter part of July. W. B. Wickersham, district manager, and Dennis Gilchrist, sales representative, of the Los Angeles office, were also present.

Ernest L. Thomas, Dudley-Thomas Lumber Co., Santa Monica, attended the annual convention of the Lions Club in New Orleans. He is president of the Santa Monica Lions Club.

Walter Harris, Lounsberry & Harris, Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to Oregon where he visited the mills in the Medford. Klamath Falls and Portland districts.

E. A. Blocklinger, Chiloquin Lumber Co., Chiloquin, Ore., is back at his desk again after being confined to a hospital in San Francisco for two weeks.

V. A. Van Matre, Van Matre-Manning Lumber Co., Downey, and his son, are spending their vacation at the Blue Creek Lodge, at Klamath, Calif.

Atkinson-Stutz Company, San Francisco, recently moved to a larger suite of offices in the Santa Marina Building, 112 Market Street.

T. G. (Ted) Decker of Phoenix, Ariz., sales representative for Hammond Redwood Company, San Francisco, and Carl H. Kuhl Lumber Company, Portland, recently visited San Francisco and Portland, making the trip north by olane.

Charles L. Cheeseman, Hallinan Mackin Co., Los Angeles, was back on the job a week ago from a two weeks' business and pleasure trip to the Northwest, where he visited Eugene, Portland and Seattle.


Building permits in San Francisco for the first seven months of the year totaled $19,650,756, compared with $20,708,273 during the same period of 194O.

The number of permits for construction and alteration of frame buildings was greater than during the first seven months of last year. The smaller total was caused by fewer filings for construction of public projects.

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