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Government Asks Private Industry to Finance Homes lor Delense \(/orkers

Washington, Aug. 9-A warning that homes for defense workers must be built at once-that the Government will have to take over the job with public funds if private industry does not meet the emergency-was issued today by

John H. Fahey, Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.

"The demand'exists today and it will increase tornorrow -and a few months from now may be too late to get building programs under wayi' declared Mr. Fahey in calling for increased cooperation of all private enterprise to "lift the load off the shoulder of Government agencies and do its own job."

"A reasonable supply of all materials for residential construction is available for defense housing. Labor can be obtained now. A shortage in both labor and materials is likely if there is an unnecessary delay."

Defense workers have been crowded into the industrial centers and into smaller communities where defense activities have created housing problems out of all proportion to their previous size, Mr. Fahey pointed out, and no ordinary building program can take care of the situation.

"The Government wants private industry to finance three housing units for every one it constructs with public funds," said Mr. Fahey. "But if private enterprise does not do the job, the Government lvill have to do it. Defense workers must have decent places to live, at a price within their means."

Citing the fact that more than $660,000,000 has been loaned by savings and loan associations of the Federal Home Loan System in defense localities where a housing shortage exists, and have financed at least 100,000 newly built housing units in such areas over an ll-month period, Mr. Fahey said that private enterprise in many districts has been more than equal to its task. At the same time, he said, other districts have lagged.

The presidents of the 12 regional Federal llome Loan Banks were called to a conference at Washington last week, according to Mr. Fahey, and conferred with representatives of the Defense Housing Coordinator. They returned to their districts prepared to urge institutions affiliated with their banks to still greater activity in defense housing.

"Defense workers need low-cost homes," said Mr. Fahey. "Houses costing $3,000 to $4,000, or even less, are needed most. Those costing more than $5,000 or $6,000 are not meeting the problem.

"Every home erected by private industry takes some of the burden off Government agencies and permits the use of Government funds in other defense activities. Of course,


All the fields are barren, All the flowers are dead, There's naught but wild winds crying And storm wrack overhead. But over shell marked roadways And through each trampled vale, Shadowy forms are marching Their faces grim and pale.

With hands and bodies shackled

But minds still brave and free. They come from every conquered land, The armies of the V. In dreams, beloved banners Still float before them there And anthems of'the homeland Are whispered as in prayer.

We cannot see them clearly, Nor hear their measured tread, They march in grim faced silence By dreams of Freedom led; And "Victory !" is the watchword, And, "Victory !" They cry, "Now break the chain by tyrants forged, Our Freedom shall not die !"

March on, march on in silence, Await the word, the hour, When Liberty shall rise again And men shall know its power. March on, march on, resistless As strong tides of the sea, We too are of your armyt Your armies of the V.

-A. Merriam Conner.

private institutions entrusted with the savings of the public cannot finance dwellings that are not justified economically. But there is a legitimate demand for permanent homes in defense areas which private industry can safely finance. The Government can take care of the doubtful areas through temporary housing."

Mr. Fahey pointed out that building activity will be curtailed in northern areas when rvinter sets in and that the threatened shortage in building materials is likely to be nation-wide before that time.

dustry is to do the job the Government has reserved to it

"Now is the time to build," he concluded, "if private inas its right and privilege."

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