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C O R P O R At Io N



Hecvy Pcnele Rtdsed

Two Sides


SUGAR PINE DOORS con be hung with minimum ellort crrd time. They cre light to hcmdle, ecsy to plcrne cmd bore, will hold their shcrpe, toke point economioqlly crnd give lcrsting scrtisfcrction.

Califonnia Sugan Pine

Used F.xclusively on cll Pine Produs'ts

3600 Tyburn Street Los Angeles, Ccrlil. Albany 0l0l

Wolmauized Lumber* is ordinary lunber to which has been added this plus-ability to withstand decay and termite attack. Vacuurn-pressure impregnation with Wolnan Salts* preservative does the trick.

Wobnanized Lumber is handled on the job iust like ordinary, untreated wood; the preservative has no corrosive effect on tools or metal fastenings. It is clean, paintable and odorless. All of lhe other advantages of wood construction are retained.

Wolnanized Lunber is produced in nineteen treating plants, strategically located throughout the country. All are under the direction of one central laboratory, assuring r:rri{ormity of product. It is distributed through regular trade channels, under the one trade name, Wolmanized Lumber. AfvfERICAl.I LI]MBER & TREA1ING COMPAI{Y, 1648 McCormick Building, Chicago, Illinois.

*Begicter€d TradeMarl

Ioa Angeles: 1031 South Broadwan PBospect 43@ San Francigco: 116 New Moatgomery SL, SUtter 1225


Don't sit supinely on your roost But come along and help us boost For better things of every kind And leave your kicking clothes behind. Oh let us boost for better streets And softer beds and longer sheets For smoother lawns and better lights And shorter winded blatherskites; For finer homes and larger trees

For bats and boosts and bumble bees: For shorter hours and longer pay For fewer thistles in our hay; For better grub and bigger pies, For two more moons to light the skies; And let the wolves of war be loosed

On every guy who doesn't boost.


Judge-"f hereby sentence you to be hanged by the neck until dead."

Prisoner-"Judge, I believe you're stringing me."

Golfing History

What is the history of the game of golf?

No man knoweth. It appears, however, that they played it back in Bible days, because we find Solomon saying in the Old Testament: "A fool's lips enter into contention, and his mouth calleth for strokes.',

And they're doing it still. History tells us that in t45Z golf had taken such a hold in Scotland that people were forbidden to play it because it was interfering with the needed practice of archery, the national method of defense.

The oldest golf course and club on earth is that of Blackheath, near London, England, and dates from 160g.

A Morning Thought

The thing that numbs the heart is this: That men cannot devise, Sorne scheme of life to banish fear, That lurks in most men's eyes.

Fear of the lack of shelter, food, And fire for winter's cold, Fear of their children's lacldng these, This in a world so old.

-James Norman Hall.

The Test Of A Man

The place to take the test of a man is not the forum or the field, not the market place or the amen corner, but at his own fireside. There he lays aside his mask and you may judge whether he be imp or angel, king or cur, hero or humbug. I care not what the world says of him, whether it crown him with bays or pelt him with bad eggs; I care never a copper what his reputation or religion may be; if his babes dread his homecoming and his better half has to swallow her heart every time she has to ask him for a five dollar bill, he's a fraud of the first water, even though he prays night and morn until he's black in the face, and howls hallelujah till he shakes the eternal hills. But, if his children rush to the front gate to meet him, and love's own sunshine illumines the face of his wife when she hears his footstep, you may take it for granted that he's true gold, for his home's a heaverl and the humbug never gets that close to the great white throne of God. f can forgive much in that fellow mortal who would rather make men swear than women weep; who would rather have the hate of the whole he-world than the contempt of his wife-who would rather call anger to the eyes of a King, than fear to the face of a child.-Wm. Cowper Brann.


Water is a wonderful blessing

Good for washing necks and ears, Just the thing for lakes and rivers, Wonderful 'round concrete piers. Nice to run beneath the bridges, Swell for making rain and ink, Water is a wondrous blessingBut an awful sorry drink.

Bankruptcy Up To Date

"What is bankruptcy, Pa?"

"Bankruptcy, my son, is when you put your money in your hip pocket, and thon let your creditors take your coat."


"f don't see any point to this joke," said the editor of the magazine, to the contributor

"Your readers will" said the contributor. "They're smart.r'

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