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he wants to serve you
These enterprtsiW firms will help Aou soue moneq
You are not anxious to do businers with a concern that ir not anxious to do burinecs with YOUt are you, Mr. Dealer?
Well, you have a good way now of knowing iust who IS anxioug to do bucineis with you. The firmc and individuds represented inthe advertising pages of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT show, by the very fact that they ARE advertising, that they are anxious to serve you.
Why not, then, remove uncertainty from your buying problemr by confining your purchases to the concerns who advertise their willingness and their eagerness to sell you their serYice.
KRANTZ, Managlng Edttor A. M. THACKABERRY. Clrculatlon Managcr A. C. MERRYMAN. Advcrtlelng Publlrhod .f,.1". and tith of acb month at
c?riFJhr" Phoac E24.565