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How Lumber Looks

It rcemr to bc a relle/r market.

Manufacturen and dirtributors tccm to bc dictating pticcr. Ar a matter of fact they ARE dictating thern" ln rome California citier dealerr held ofr boymg earlicr in the reason, hoping that cnd of the forert firee would credte an carier rituation in tbc market. Some of the yardr rerawed th€ir 6-inch and 8.inch dimencion rather than rc.' *ock 2-inch rizec at then prevailing priccr. But 2-inch rtock rc,mainr aoarce and hard to get.

Sone facts in thc phyrlal rituation do not rccn to jurtify tbit buililh attitude of the rnillr. While thein bookr are loaded with orden accumulated during the 6re !G!ron, thcy actudly are cutting and ehipping more lumber then they are at preeent leliig. Thir appliee to fir nilb.+ot [p Southern pbe.

Here again ir illurtrated the truth of tte point thripricc on the Pacific Coart are dictetcd more, or inf,uenced mone, by conditionr in the Southern pine trade than by funmedirt conditionr in the Wed Coart tradc, dthough Cdifornb and other Western ttater buy practically no Southern pine.

So it is that, while the fr millc are not swamped with new ' buriner, they yet are in porition to advance pricer by rearon of strcngth in Southern pine, and tteir own accrunul,etionr of orderr. When Southern pine millr are ovenold and their product bccorner harder to get, that naturdly throrvr a lot of buyerr in competitive territory into the Douglar 6r martet. That L what ir happening.today.

The market har taken on anotter element of *rcngth in the lart few weekr throWh the publication of the govcnrnent'r crop reportr rhowing a tremcndour prorpectivc yield for all lincr of agriculhual productr. Thir indicatel that t[e fannerg in the Middle Wert and Wcet will be in tte market thir year for great quantitier of lunber.

Cdifornia retailerr already are expericncing a rubrtantial denand from farrner buyen, anticipating a bountiful haryeet.

, Milh in the Northwect are pretty well cleaned out of com. rmna ar wcll as uppert. Pricer of cornmonr have advanced rlightly eince the middle of lert nonth. Slarh grain uppert have taken on added rtrength and rome rnillr havc advanced vcrticd grain pricer ar rnuch a, $3.

Anotbcr factor of rtiength, ro far ar thc rail trade ir corrconcd, is thc prorpective car rhortagc. In fect it ir norc ectual tben prorpective in rome quarterr already. Millr not on nain line railroadr are experiencing a tightcn ing car rupply.

The raihoad rtrike docc not rcem to have much dircct cffect on the prcrcnt market, cxcepting, of coune, in conmrmitiec whc,re rhipncntr ac-tuelly arc held up on accormt of the rtrike. But ar a general proporition buyerr are phcing, and *llerr are accepting, onden oo 6rrrrrnption thet the rtrike roon udtl be rcttled.

It ie certain tbet bupn are not going to have an eary timc of ib thi! fdl. While millr arc nrnni,ng to fullqt capacity and rnany openting hro rhiftr, tbe factr remain they are behind on accrmulated orderr and Southern pine already is pointing the way to increared bruinec bound roon to comc.

Rcdwood har continued to etrcngthen. Many buycn are paying heed to appeab of milb to take rhort lengthr which millr arc ofrerbg at eubstantial rcductionr over long l€ngtb. Shingler are going higher every week. Stlrr are bringing $3.25, greern, ai rhip'r ding in the Northwed. There ir a rcarcity.of cedar ehingles, u nany big mith were clored all rummcr. Forcrt firer bed cut ofi log eupply.

Lath are maintaining rtrength rhoryn through the entire rGaron, but buyerr are not hav:Dg much trouble getting thcm if wilhg to pay tbc price.

The demend for hardwood in all parte of Californh Gontinuer unabated. Hardwood manufacturen.and dirtributorrt f,i1{ling both donertic and imported etock, are mintaining a deedy rupply of all derired gradca, bu! on accormt of the heavy denand the raarket has rernained firni through the cntire roafon.


For the fint 26 dayr of Augrnt building permite in Lor Angeler eggregated $1010871406 in value and involvcd 31769 reparate .tructu,e.. At thL rate the total for thc month will b€ about $11,750,000.

Both San Francirco and Oakland are reporting a heaw volumc of new conrtnrction for Augurt.

Month's Cargoes at L. A. Over 100,000,000 Feet

August was another 100,000,000-foot month at IJos Angeles harbor.

While ffgures for cargo receipts are not yet complete, the record. for the first 30 days reveals the arrival of 85,000'000 feet of fir and other species from the Northwest, and. 13,000,000 feet of redwood-a total of 98,000,000 feet.

It is understood that a greater percentage of the lumber arriving here last month was unsold. at time of shipment, but Southern California yards in eagerness to replace depleted stocks soon absorbed the bulk of everything brought in.

Official figures of the Los Angeles harbor commission for first six months of the year acconnt for arrival of.465,194,729 feet of lumber and forest prod.ucts classified as follows: Lunber, 417,646,9t0 feet; lath, 106,829,332 pieces; shingles, 81,184 M; piles, 798,831 linear feet.

This report d.oes not includ.e lumber and shingles received. at Los Angeles from British Columbia and other foreign sources. Neither does it include anything unloaded at ports other than Los Angeles harbor proper.


E. D. Tennant has arrived. in San Francisco from St. Louis to assume his new duties as acting secretary of the California Lumbermen's association. His offices are in the Lumbermen's Building, 110 Market Street. IIe will begin prepatartions at once for the annual meeting of the state amiiAamn-in San Francisco October 28.


M. L. Euphrat and A.L. Iloover of the San Francisco and lres Angeles offices'respectively of the Wendling- Nathan company, have just returned from a tour of the mills of the Northwest. They went as far north as Everett, Wash. and. report the mills running to full capacity but overloaded with ord.ers.

Eastern Wholesalers Here Sept. 14 to 17

A party of prominent wholesale lumbermen from, Chicago and bther eastern cities will visit California this m"onth. ' The party is being organized by L. R. ("Dick") Pupman, secretary of the American 'Wholesale Lumber association and will include a score or more members of that association and their wives. Tdey will visit the cities of the Northwest before coming to California.

They are due in San Francisco, from Portland, at 8:10 A. M. Thursday, September 14 and will be quartered at the Palace.

They will leave San Francisco, over the Southern Pacific, at 5 P. M., Friday, September 15, arriving in Los Angeles at 7:45 the following morning-September 16. They will be at the Alexand.ria.

They will leave Sunday evening, September 17, for Salt I-.rake City.

An adequate program of entertainment is being prepared by the lumber folks at eaeh eity. Informal business meetings also will be held with the visitors at both San Francisco an6 Los Angeles.

Ben Woodhead of Beaumont, Texas, president of the Anerican Lumber association, will heacl the party.

Bedwood Opebatobs To Consebve Forests

At a recent meeting of representative redwood operators at Eureka Major Davict T. Mason, forest engineer of Portland, was engaged. to direct a policy for the proper management of the cut-over lands and standing timber so as to insure a perm&nent redwood supply. The principal timber o'wners and mill operators behind this progressive movement are the Hammond, Pacific, Little River Red.wood, Dolbeer-Carson, Northern Redwood, Elk River and. HolmesEureka Lumber companies. This is the first time in the history of the lumber industry where lumbermen of any region have taken action of this kincl.

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