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rr Windly ExtrDreSSiOnS rl
Your journal is a humdinger-a go-getter-and har a punch thet is refreshing. I want to congratulate you and your rtaff. I alro want to thank you for the courteeier rhown Arizona and myself. I want you to know that we apprcciate your efrortr.-l. C. Light, Norman-Light Lumbcr Co., Miami, Ariz.
A recent isnre of your CALIFORNTA LUMBER MERCHANT har been placed on my derk and I murt admit, upon perural it at once riveted my attention and adrniration. The "pep" you have injected into the publication ir contagiour and you are to be congratulated on the rplendid rtart you have made. No need of your employing roliciton. A rample copy will bring resultr every time, and to pnovc it we herewith hand you our check for $2, covering one yeartr rubrcription.-W. L Macquarrie, Fxport Lunber Dept., American Trading Co., San Francirco.
It may be of interert to you to realize that this ir the firrt time in the write/r carerer that any trade paper has ever put before hiin anything that looked like a live inquiny.A. J. Rurell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francirco.
I want to compliment you upon your n* publication. Incidentally I rubrcribed for it thir morning and rhall hope, therefore, to get it regularly and enjoy it.-R. F. Herilrratt, 'recretary-manager Cdifomir Redwood Arrocbtion, San Francirco.
We are for you and your jusc€ss.-fiernan Lumber Co., 112 Market St., San Francicco.
We are enjoying every iuue of yoru paper and are earnertly hopmg that your venture will be the succec that yow effortr ere to jurtly roeriting.-psepl6'r Lumber Co., Oxnard, Cd.
Go to it and good luck.-H. A. Fall, Harnmond Lunber Co., San Francisco.
From Yet Another Kindly Conteitiporary
We hope your new publication will be ar succesrful ar he ttGulf Coast Lumbeman" and extend our bert wieher.Bolting Arthur Johnron, editor and publirher, Lumber World Review, Chicago.
ttYour pages are chuck full of the get-together, pull-together, rtick-togetrher epirit eo gtreatly needed today in the rankr of the wholerale and retail lumbermen of northe,rr California." (Mi$ Maude B. Forrerter, Lumber-woman, San Francirco, Cd.)
"We take plearure in entering our eubrcription for one year. You can cormt ur among ttore who wirh your.paper the bert of ruccegl.tt (W. J. Rou, Sunset Lumber Co., Martinea Cal.)
'You have a mighty good paper and we want to rharc it with eome of our friendr outgide the lumber indurtr5rr" wrote W. K. Kendrick, Salee Manager for the Valley Lunber Co., ar he entered a subocription for Thc Frerno Buildcnt Exchange.