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New Mill at L. A. Harbor Under WaY
Actual milling operations at the plant of the Los Angeles Lumber Proflucts Company at Los Angeles harbor may be rrnder way by the first of the year, according to the present estimates of the officials in charge of construction.
Arno Mareen, prod.uction manager, has a force of nearly 1,000 men at woik, transforming the former plant of the I-ros Angeles Shipbuilcling & Drydoek Corporation i-4!o -a mod.ern sawmill. - Much of the old plant will be utilized, including the machine shops, docks and some of the administration buildings.
Machinery for the new miII has been bought in the East and. now is bn its way to Los Angeles harbor. The first unit will consist of a complete manufacturing plant, including sawmill, planing mill, box factory, dry kilns and' storage yards.
The company recently bought three shipping board steel vessels on the Atlantic coast and wiII bring them around' to this coast to serve in their lumber carryiug trade. As previously announced, the company has acquired a large acr.eage ofsplenclicl timber in British Columbia. This timber will be squaiecl near the source of supply, and-the squared-log-s will be brought to l-ios Angeles harbor on these ships. Eac! vessel wiII have a carrying capacity of 2,250,0OO feet of lumber.
The company is perfecting its sales organizationt !t pl.paration fof its merchandising campaign which will follow immediately the beginning of actual operations.
.Since a large proportion of its timber supply eonsists of spruce and hemlock, much of its finished. product will be in the form of boxes and box shooks' These will be sold locally in Southern California to accommodate the fruit and' vegetable industries.
But a complete line of softwood lumber also will be manufactured and sold.