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Hammond Lumber Co.--Biggest Retail Lumber Yard on Earth
1-169 Angeles claims to have the biggest retail lumber yard. on earth. TIIE CALIFORNIA IJUMBER, MtsRCHANT believes there is little doubt as to the correctness of the claim.
_ The yard is that of The Hammond. I-rumber Company, a strictly retail yard serving the City of Los Angeles from one central point.
There is excellent reason for believing that this mammoth institution sells more lumber and buikling naterial than any other strictly retail yard. on earth.
Some of the grounds upon which this belief is founded will be briefly given, but it would take an entire issue to attempt to tell with any possibility of detail, the story of this very wonderful lumber plant.
Ilere are some of the highJights with regard. to the Hamnond. yard. in Los Angelen:
Entirely covers 27 acres of ground.
Carries in stock 15,000,000 feet of softwood lumber.
Carries in stock more than 2,000,000 feet of hardwood flooring.
Carries large and diversified stocks of hardwood lunber.
Carries huge stocks of sash, doors, millwork, paint roofings, hardware, fibre-board., plaster-board, cement, lime, glass, etc,
Sells an ayerage of more than 500,000 feet of lumber alone, every day.
'Sells more than a quarter of a million dollars worth a month of "side-lines."
Employs more than 200 people in the ofrice alone.
Employs more than 1,000 people in the yard and mill.
Keeps 43 salesmen busy calling on the trad.e in Los ACgeles.
Keeps 40 trucks eternally busy delivering the goods they seIl.
Keeps more than 50 horses and mules e4ployed inside the yard. alone.
Operates its own mod.ernly equipped'printing establishment right there in the yard.
The tremendous size of the institution and the volume of business being done, fairly takes, away the breath of the visitor. The entire plant is equipped and operated. for a maximum efficiency. They aim to keep every machine running at top speed without lost motion, and save labor in every reasonable way by the proper disposition of materials to that encl.
One traveling crane unload.s the cars of lumber and handles the lumber in the yarl, stacking it on both sides of each of four long paved runways, so that the orders may be fillecl with greatest efriciency, while at the front of the yard. another great traveling lum,ber carrier loads the trucks for city delivery.
To begin with, the ofrice building is a very attractive oneffnished on the interior to show the use of the lumber they sell. This building is big, well ventilated, well lighted, attractively finished, furnished, and equipped.
The millwork plant is a huge one, two stories high, equipped with scores of the latest wood-working maehines, and turnnig out everything from common sash to the most beautiful special doors, windows, interior features, cabinets, ets. It is one of the ffaest millwork plants in the whole country, and can furnish everything that goes into the most modern ofrice building. Parts of this great plant run night and day the year round., keeping up with the tremend.ous business of the institution.
Like the rest of the plant, year by year the growth of the business has forced. them to add new space to the mill, and still the call of the department heads is for,,more room.,,
There is a mammioth two-story warehouse that carries the millwork, both stock and special, ready for quick deliverS and in this warehouse is a wealth and variety of millwork that is staggering in volume.