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In their paint department they carry $100,000 worth of paint for eyery use, stocking the products of the Caiifornia Paint Company, of Oaklantl.
In their roofing department they carry a stoek of about $125,000 worth of roofing at all times. Their principal stock is that of the Pioneer Paper Company of Los Angeles. They also have a rooff.g department for laying the heaviest of business building roofs. They unloatl their roofing from the cars by means of conveyor lines, which automatically count the rolls as they pass into the warehouse.
Their builclers' hard.ware department is in keeping with the remaind.er of their great institution, fiIling both floors of one of their big builclings.
Their great shed filled with every kind and grade of hardwood flooring is something worth looking at. It isn't often you see 2,000,000 feet of hardwood flooring piled. in one spot.
They carry a stock of wall boards, both fibre and plaster board. They carry several cars of Cornell wood board in stock, and also seII large quantities of the Schumacher line of plaster board, made in ]rss Angeles.
It is doubtful whether the visitor is most impressed with the great size of this institution, and. with the enormous business he sees being transacted, or with the splendid efficiency of the. operations.
They are tremend.ously and justly proud of the efficient methods employed. Every machine runs to full capacity, all the time, and they aim to make all work go through with the least possible lost motion. They use high speecl machines throughout the mill, and labor saving devices in every department, reducing cost, and increasing the speed and efriciency of the institution.
And everything in and around. the plant is in perfect order. No trash, no refuse, nothing in the way or out of place, everything going like clockw'ork. It requires efficiency to handle, make, ancl move the building material they turn out every day.
And every department of this business is growing steadily. The executiyes say that in spite of the faet that'they have been constantly enlarging, spreading, improving, from every department comes the eternal demand for "more rooin" as the volume of business steadily increases. Many plans are in prospect for enlarging various departments to allow for growth.
They believe at this Hammond. yard that I-ros Angeles wiII be as big as Chicago before long, and they are laying their plans to keep up with this wond.erful growth
H. W. Mcleod is the General Manager of this wonderful institution, antt highly responsible for its greatness.
A. I[. Cuenod. is his very competent Assistant General Manager.
A. B. Hammond, of San Francisco, is the High Mogul of the great institution.