1 minute read

Salesmonship-Means Work


We hear and read much about the ..Science', of Salcsmanrhip.

Thc fint frmdamental of ruccesful ralecmanrhip, it WORK show nore prorpective buyen intercrting wayr of USING your merchandire.

To be a ruccecful galerma' in the lumber burineg rcquircs about cguel quantitier of both LEG and HEAD -ork, well mixed, and thoroughly applied.

A wise burinec man har wirely caid that if the average ralerman will make hir relling emulate hir golf, he will be a tremendour and thorough ,uscer! in any poeeible line of burinere.

In other wordr, if he will make it hir burineg to call on eighteen pror. pectr every day, and call on each of the eighteen with the nme intererf and enthuriarm with which he approacher every one of hir eighteen holer of golf, hc will be a big income man in epite of any obrtacler.

No matter how clever the ralerman may be in hir approac\ iq wonrt do much good if he doern't do enough APPROACHING.

Regardlees of how much "p""cht' thetr my be in hir rclling talk, or how mrrch finege there may be in hic adminirtration of tte ..dotted line', proporition for rignature, it won't help if he doecntt make hir effort often enough.

Tbcre are two wayr for the lunber merchant to increare hir sater.{rro FUNDAMENTAL methodr.

The fint ir to offer hie proporition to MORE PEOPLE.

Thc recond ir to ofier it.to thoae "MORE pEopLE" in more intercding rvay!.

There are your bacic directionr for increaring your eale.

The 6r* rnean! LEG work; thc eecond Head work.

.{ndr like Hiawatha'e famour bow and arrow they are "ureleg each without tte other."

And in thir day of "relling lcience" we ane inclincd to believe that the FIRST of thcee obligationr ic morc frequently overlooked ttran t[e recond.

There are a world of men devoting their mental enetgicr to dircovcring wayr and meana for rucce$fully grabbing the order, once the prorpect ir reached, who get leg weary long before they reach a rearonable number of their prorpectr.

Bcgin your lirt of dling frmdamentale with that great word ..WORK" itr biS capital l,etterr.

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