1 minute read
Wood Bros. at Santa Cruz Have Most Attractive Lumber Store
Santa Cruz probably has more mod.ern, progressive lumber merchants to the square inch than any other spot in California; and that is saying a great d.eal, for California is known the country over for its numerous up-to-date building stores and its wide-awake building mate4ial deafers.
But to get down to particulars about Santa Cruz. A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of presenting some pictures of one of the mod.ern lumber places of business in that enterprising city; tliis week we -are showing another.
It is that of Wood Brothers Company.
"'We believe we have gone one step in advance of theEastern and Middle'Western'building stores'," says George W. Wood, one of the owners. And any of the lumber folks who have visited Santa Cruz and who.also are familiar with the best of. the modern stores of the East and South, ivill agree that Mr. -Wood is mighty near right.
In a city noted for its beautiful homes, Wood Brothers have sought to embody the spirit of their community in the style of architecture they have adopted for their own ofrice and. display room.
This is a typical bungalow, attractively painted and finished. It is elegantly arranged for business and display purposes. It is surrounded with plenty of good cement walks, with a ffne lawn, with shrubbery and flowers just the same as a woman who is shopping around for a home would want the home she has in her mind.'s eye to appear.
It is one of the show places of Santa Cruz. The picture shows the inviting appearance of the exterior, but of course