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does not give an adequate idea of the harmonious blending of colors between the roof, the side walls, the flowers and the shrubbery and the lawn.

But next come into the bungalow. You will fincl it finished and furnished just about the way the aYerage woman would want her home finished and furnished. Of course, no two women have tastes alike and it is not expected that visitors to the place will adopt the ideas here presented, as their own; but these id.eas are held. out merely as suggestions; they ean be varied. to suit the individual taste of the prespective home builder.

The important thing about it is that the attractive appearance of the exterior and. the tasteful arrangement of the interior serve to instill the DESIRE for a home in the minds and the hearts of the visitors.

In other words, IT PAYS.

Besides the exterior view we present two specimen views of the interior. One is the plan and sales room. Note its attractiveness and. its very artistic equipment. The other view is what you see through the big plate glass windgy and which runi ac"oss one sidl of the bungalow and in which an attractive display always is presented

This particular display is that of a "folding" breakfipt room, fully equipped.

Here is a little room in which the cupboard, table, add seats, all fold up compactly when not in use, Ieaving a usefirl and. attractive little room in the home. The entire equipment for this sort of room is sold ready for installatipn bY this coneern j

Mr. 'Wood is an enthusiast on plan and sales room, dttractive oftices, and window displays. He reports that tleir business has d.eveloped constantly and steadily since th6y changed their place of business to'the "Pqlttg llom(" ofrici, and he f-eels very proud that he probably has one of the most attractive retail buiicling material plants in tle great state of California. I

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