3 minute read
W. E. Cooper Lumber Co. Is New But Growing Mighty Fast
One of the fastest growing lumber concerns in Southern California, and one of the most progressive and energetic in its business affairs, is the W. E. Cooper Irumber Company, of Los Angeles.
The W. E. Cooper Irumber Company started business in Los Angeles just about a year ago. They started in a small way, hardly realizing the opportunity that was confronting them, or the extent to which their bysiness would grow in a few months
Today they are busily engaged in broadening, widening, building, and completing their plant, in the efrort to keep up with the great expansion of their business. They are enlarging, improving, and beautifying their already handsome and commodious ofrices, building new and bigger sheds, preparing for the installation of steam dry kilns, and otherwise equipping themselves to render their particular form of service to a constantly increasing trade.
The decided. success attending the efforts of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Company is in no wise accidental. It simply follows the individual efrorts of a man who has been making a series of successes in the lumber business for more than thirty years. Mr. W. E. Cooper has been one of the best known and most'aetive lumbermen in 'Wisconsin for thirty years. IIe started in the retail lumber business with his father in 1893, at Merrimack, Wis. A year later he bought out his father, and operated the yard himself. He is stillwith his associates-operating that same yard. It was a success from the start.
Mr. Cooper spread out years ago, and. has, for years, operated. a string of fourteen prosperous lumber yards, at thriving Wisconsin points. Today he still controls and operates seven yard.s at seven difrerent points in that state, as wq.Il as operating a great land, ranching, and timber company at Milwaukee, the Cooper-Hughes Land & Lumber Company, which operates in Wisconsin, Montana, and other gtates.
The Cooper yards in'Wisconsin a generation ago built for themselves the reputation of being service-giving lumber yards, at a time when actual service in the lumber business was something of a rarity.
And the same fund.amental ideas of the necessity for giving service in order to prosper that has marked the Cooper activities in Wisconsin for more than a generation, have been brought to California and. incorporated into the operations of the W. E. Cooper Lumber Co.
The W. E. Cooper Lumber Company of Los Angeles is a wholesale hardwood concern. It deviates from this line in only one regard, selling Iarge quantitieS of California sugar pine. Outside of this its total business is the distribution of hard.wood. lumber and hardwood. s.ervice.
Mr. W. E. Cooper came to California for the ffrst time on pleasure bent, during vacation time, a number of years ago.
IIe fell in love with the climate and sunsine of California, and later determined to live in Los Angeles. IIe moved. his family, therefore, and in order to provide business activity particularly for his son, Mr. C. M. Cooper, he created the W. E. Gooper l.lumber Company, and started the hardwood yard.
That was just one year ago. Today the Cooper yard and office is a place of constant and enthusiastic activity. They are particularly well located, a'spur of the Southern Pacific ending in their yard at the front, and a spur of the Santa Fe traversing the yard at the rear, so that they have a cleeicled advantage in railway facilities. Their first lumber shed. was soon doubled in size and capacity, and another big shed of the same size, running the full length of the yard, is now being built.
In this yard they carry eyerything in the line of hardwood that is consumed in California. They sell both in carload and in less than carload lots, making a specialty of supplying the small town lumber yards with their hardwood needs. American and Jap oak, mahogany and Philippine mahogany, maple, birch, beech, gum, hickory.,,in.various dimensions aud grades, are ready for prompt shipment.
This concern exclusively represents in this territory the "IXL" brand.s of hardwoods produced. by the famous 'Wisconsin Land & Irumber Co., at Hermansville, Wisconsin, which they claim to be the most perfectly manufactured of northern hardwood flooting. They also sell large quantities cf oak flooring of the famous "Perfection" brand., made by the Arkansas Oak Flooring Company, of Pine Blufr, Ark. This latter soncerh has recently started & new floorinp mill at Shreveport, I-.ra., doubling their output, a large part of which is sold in California.
The President and. owner of the W. E. Cooper l:umber Co. is Mr. 'W. E. Cooper himself, and he is also in active charge of operations. IIis son, C. M. Cooper, is treasurer of the company and actively engaged in its operations. He is a most enthusiastic Californian, and much in love with the new business they have been creating. Miss I. M. Williams, a native Californian, is vice-president of the company, and active secretary to Mr. W. E. Cooper, also handling their - publicity work, in which she is very actep{. Mr. F. P. Baugh is secvetary in charge of sales.
This is the very efricient personnel of the executive department, and it is a partierilarly efectirre one. Mr. 'W'. E. Cooper is as proud. of the fine progress of his California institution as he ever was of his old Wisconsin operations, and the whole force are putting a lot of epthusiasm behind their work that is bringing in results.
They are about'to install in their very attractive ofrices a long counter, eyery panel of which will be of a difrerent harddood, attractivgly ffnished, demonstrating the qualities and attractiveness of the finished wood.