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Many Californians Own Their Homes

California cities make a good showing, in competition with other cities of the country, in the federal census reports showing the number of dwelling per 1,000 of population and the percentage of homes owned by the occupants.

Oakland ranks second in the number of dwelling per 1,000, being outranked only by Indianapolis. The number of dwellings per 1,000 in Indianapolis is 2281' in Oakland it is 219.

, I-.,os Angeles is in fourth plaee,.with 216, just below Columbus, Ohio, with 218. Portland, Oregon, with 212 dwellings per 1,000, ranks fifth.

I Toledo, Ohio, is in first place in the matter of percentage of homes owned with 49.4 per cent, and is followed by Balti. more. Seattle. St. Paul. Akron. Portland and Rochester in the order named.

Paint Supply For Lumber Dealers

Oakland leads the California cities with 42 per cent of its homes bwned by the occupants; Los Angeles has 34.7 per cent, and San Francisco 27.4 per cent.


Approximately 916,000,000 of new building has been authorized in Oakland since the first of the year. This figure marks the highest record of building activity in the history of that active community. It is nearly twice as much as was authorized in the same period of 1921. For the first seven months of 1922 new construction work, for which building permits were issued, aggregated riearly $14,055,000. While figures for the month of August are not complete, it is probable that they will bring the total for the eight months up.close to the $16,000,000 mark.

LUMBER YARDS anticipating the sale of PAINT, not as a sideline, but as a leading building material, should first consider a line of paint that is made BY the contracting painter and contracting builder, and FOR the contracting painter and builder.

Our materials are made for the contractor who knowc what materials will do to assist in so painting the lumber as to improve itc acceptability.

WE HAVE A PAINT PROPOSITION FOR LUMBER YARDS. Will be plcared to rubmit it on requert,

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