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Redwood Association Has Fine Service
California lumber dealers who want to speed up their sales with intelligent, construptive advertising do not have to go far from home now to get practical and helpful service and co-operation.
The Caiifornia Redwood Association has prepared a series of high grad.e electros to be used by the local dealer in his home town newspaper. Each one of these electros carries an effective illustration of one of the numerous ways in which redwood can be used, together with a forceful meisage describing that particular use.
These electros are ofrered to the dealers at actual cost. Space is provided for the dealer's own name and address, so to all intents and purposes the redwood advertisement is his Yery own.
The association also has prepared a comprehensive booklet giving some practical sales helps for the d.ealers. These "Dealer Helps" are distributed free.
While the association has prepared the booklets and the advertising service, it does not attend to the distribution. That is left to the inrlividual manufacturer, or his representative, from whom the dealer regularly obtains his redwood. lumber.
All ord.ers from the dealer, therefore, should go to his regular source of redwood supply.
R. F. Hammatt, secretary of the association, recently placed this service before the dealers of the East and Middle West, where it was received. with g-rea-t enthusiasm. The same servrce now rs available for California and Arizonal dealers.
Your Home
Redwood insures restful beauty and quiet content for living room and den, because this wood has unusual charm of color and grain. :: ::
IVrite or phone f or building materials.
A Long Life
You insure safety and long life when you buy tanks, vats and pipe of Redwood. They last for generations without shrinking, swelling or warping.
Write or phone'for building materials.