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California Cities Show Good Building Gain Over Last Year
While California cities show a distinct gain in the volume of building activities for July, compared with July, 1921, they likewise reflect a pronounced loss from the high record of June, according to official returns compiled by. the Ameriean Contractor. '
Fear of car shortage for building materials, seasonal inactivity, the railroad strike and other factors are held responsible for the July decline.
The comparative figures for ten principal California cities, for July,1922 and July, 7927, arc as follows:
_Julv. 1922_ _JulY. 1921_
Among other cities in the country Detroit, Boston, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Kansas City ancl Pittsburgh also showed declinep.
Aggregate permits in Los Angeles for the first seven months of the yearwere $67,523,268; in San Franciseo $26, 380,743; in Oakland, $74,055,416.
Three t{rings are neceqsary to sell lumber successfully: The first is BACKBONE, The second is BACKBONE, and The third is BACKBONE.