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What Home Ownership Does For A Man
The story is told of the old mother cat who lived on one side of the street, and the Airdale dog who lived on the other.
- ordinarily, when the dog wandered acroaa the street to where the cat lived, the cat promptly "beat it.,' why the change? Because with the RESPONSIBILITY which thore !itt-en1 brorrght, came the vision of her rights as a motherl faith in her ability to defend her young_; co-urage to face the otherwise fearsome intruder; and ttie energy to go through with the charge that brought victory.
But now and then there came to visit the mother cat an occasional batch of kittens.
When THAT happened, and the Airdale dog wandered into the cat'r back yard, thin-gs were different. There waa a tanlle of rnarls, a bushel of flying claws and teeth_, a cyclone of ofiended felinJ rage-and the dog few for hir life, nor pauced in the manner of his going.
And folks, ttrat's what HOME does for a man.
_ The-rerponribility of q HOME; a HoME to live in, to work and save and-sacrifice to pay_!gr; a HOME of his ovrn with au ttre world outside; a citadel where he is KING.
-It tings to him,- also, the proper vision of his citizenship; faith in himself and his opportunities; courige to meet his responribilitiei'and hir prob- lema; energy to go through with his responsibilities-as a REAL home o*ning citizen.
What a grand character builder, is HOME.