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So wlmlv dntrcd bry bufiGrq oqracn end dcalcrs' hon ooest to -.*. Thi pti"trpt"oi cdgctccdins' upo which thiemlchinc is dc' ,f*.a. ir ed*tiAoly ccrect tn pncrice it is accurae to thc 6ae* ft;,i; Ltorcpvcr, it produca a ffnirhed o.L floorilg L* &'o bit mrrb end with a nulrcc thet ie dl but poluhcd' C@bind with thi! pcrlcct uachine rrorh in "Supcrbr Bread" ie uoilcra olor ud trxturc whicb bold uuc tbroughout eucccshra ahifcoo.
Wc'll bc rled o givc you funhs eolightcnbg lactr lro our-rpccid nce boeli'br dealcra Write to'r it now, aubniaiag you,r oll floor' ilg lchduliic quoodm et thc aemtimc&IcYocqrcCe onlos rrat caiload?
' Hclena, e{tlaasas
'' Pwlfic Ced Ra'/t&ry'ja/it.et
R. tL BROWN,60,16 Cslor Ave.. tpr Aqalcr the afternoons being used for the thirty-six hole golf tournament play, on the beautiful course just outside of Vancouver.
The next Convention will be held at Coronado, California, in January or February. The date will be decided later by Piesident D. J. Cahill, of the 'Western Hardwood Lumber Company, Loi Angeles, and Mr. Henry Swafford of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles.
Californians in attendance at this meeting were: Jerry Sullivan, Sullivan Hardwood Company, San Diego; D: J. Cahill, Western Hardwood Lumber -Company, Los Angeles;-H. W. Swafiord, E. J. Stanton & Son,.LosAngeles; T. T. Ctin., E. T. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles; Harry V' -Hitttott, California Panel & Veneer Company, Los-Angeles; B. W. Byrne, Western Hardwood Lumber ComF""y,'Los Angeies; R. 1,. Taenzer,. American Hardwood Co*putty, Los-Angeles; J. E. Higgins,-Jr., J. E.-Higgins Lumber Company, San Francisco ; Sam fqrsy_t]1e.' -t'orsythe Lumber Compariy, San Francisco; C. H. White, -White Brothers, San-Frincisco; Homer Maris, Maris Panel Company, San Francisco, and George H. Brown, Strable Hardwood Company, San Francisco.
Bvron Lone is now associated wtih W. R. Chamberlin & io.. the wlll known San Francisco wholesale lumber distributing agents, and will represent the company in -the East Bay,-Pdninsula, and Maiin County territory. Mr. Long has been associated with the lumb-e-r industry {or -.tt] yeats, and was formerly with the Krause Lumber Co., with headquarters in Seatile where he-was acting in a buvins capacitv. W. R. Chamberlin & Co. are the distri6uti"ns "s.ttti in California for several large mills in the NorthwEst,- including the Clark-Nitkerson Lumber Co., Dempsey Lumber C6., Defiance Lumber Co., and FerryBaker Lumber Co.
T. Enos. well known California lumberman and for many .rr.Lr. "..o.iated with the retail lumber business in Northern California. is now associated with the Santa Clara Lumber Yard of Santa Clara. Mr. Enos was formerly connected with the Pacific Maqufacturing Company of Santa Clara, and prior to that he was with the Tilden Lumber Co.
Prarcnt Forest Fbes by Installing
The Souttr Bend Spark Arrester
For Donlrey EngincrSoricr 5-D
Derigned Right for EFFICTENCY Built Risht for SERVICE Sold Right for ECONOMY
Dcrigncd for urc on ell makcr of rtcam cogincl. Ash for Terms and Prices
The South Bend Spark Arrester Co.
Officc and Factory, ?66 Srvicr Sto Portlud, Orcgon Cdifomia Agentr: W. H. WORDEN CO.' Salr Francirco
For Loconotivc EnglncrScrio 5-L
For ordinary construction, use Pioneer Duplex Building Paper-coated on one side with asphalt. Saves dollars i n protecting hardwood foors, stairways, tile, granite or marble, while building.