1 minute read
The Old Think Tank Is The Thing
The best tool in the world is easily rendered useless by incompetent handling.
It doesn't make verv much difference how much equipment is provided for doing business if the men who handle the equipment do not know how to use it.
After all is said and done, the real problem today is MAN power,
Man power in its true sense, means THINKING power.
If a man THINKS he is almost sure to get along.
That does not mean that a man to think must be highly educated. Far from it. Some of the world's greatest thinkers have been only self educated.
In order to think a man must have brains.
And most everybody has 'em.
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But their value depends entirely upon how much and horv well they have been used.
A lot of peo-ple act as though they had none. They work that way, also.
The trouble is they are not using what they have.
The man who combines good thinking with his work, is almost rare, there are so many who do NOT.
But the one who DOES is in such demand that there are lots of jobs waiting for him all the time.
Every concern on earth needs him.
The success of almost any concern depends largely upon horv many thinkers they have on the job.
E. A. Nicholson Loses Son
Edmund A. Nicholsofl, Jr., fifteen year old son of E. A. Nicholson, Los Angeles, was drowned on August 18th, while on a fishing trip on the Kern River, with his father and tu'o boy companions.
Burial was from the familv residence. on the 21st.