1 minute read
Hardwood Popular for Interior Finish
By E. B. Vockel, White Bros., San Francisco
The trend of the times in the finish of living rooms is veering arouncl to natnral. rvood finish again. Painting and white enamelling is excellent for kitchen, bath and even bed rooms but for the general living rooms an atmosphere of greater dignity and hospitality is generally desired. This is accomplished through r.voodrvork of the various hardwoods either in their natural tones or brightened up in the finish applied, to suit the individual taste.
Southern Gum has made a unique place for itself as a popular hardwood for interior trim and has held its importance for some time. The soft velvety tans and browns of ttr;s wood make a rich background and harmonize with hangings and furniture of most any description.
A surprising number of the new homes are being finished in Philippine Mahogany. The rich coloring and beautiful grain of this wood is very pleasing and it works up exceedingly well in the woodwork of a room and in panelling. Its moderate cost puts it in reach of all.
The standbys for beautiful interiors since the first fine homes of California, have been Oak, Walnut and the genuine Mahogany. These rvoods are as good today as they have been all down the years, and no changes in styles has taken from them their premier standing among hardwoods for the interior finish of beautiful homes ahd now for apartments.
The panel wainscoting is a deservedly popular finish and especially the beautiful Elizabethan or Tudor style with panels to the ceiling. This style calls for Plain or Quarter Sawn Oak and gives an atmosphere of solid elegance lvorthy of the fine homes now being erected so widely in these parts.
Lumber Industry Important To Oregon
One of the speakers at a recent luncheon of the Portland Advertising Clu'b, declared that sixtgr-five per cent of the income of residents of Oregon is dependent directly or indirectly upon the lumber industry of the state, and that the importance of the industry should be impressed on the public by proper advertising
A. C. Hemphill, who until he rpsigned recently, was western sales agent for the Oregon-American Lumber Company and the Central Coal & Coke Company, is now sales manag'er for the Winchester Bay Lumber Company, Reedsport, Oregon. Mr. Hemphill has his headquarters at 910 Porter Building, Portland.
(A Good Ad for Lumber Merchants)