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XS Sash Door and Mill Workers
A Beautiful California Floor
Here is an illustration oi a most beautiful California hardwood floor. The maker is Cadwallader-Gibson Company, and the floor is made from their Bataan and Lamao Philippine Mahogany. This floor has been laid on both wooden and concrete sub*floors. and is one of the few hardwood floor.s that is laid successfully on concrete. These two beautiful woods have much contfast as to color. and
Chicago Lumber Company Plant At Oakland Gets Bigger And Better
The great and efficient millworkplant of the Chicago Lumber Company of Washington, at Oakland, California, is getting bigger and more efficient all the time. One of the newest and biggest millwork institutions in California, it is being continually arranged and equipped toward greater efficiency and production.
Mr. L. V. Graham, the genial Vice President and General Manager, states that he has on order at present a bunch of new machinery and equipment that will fill in here and there and give several departments greater efficiency.
The variety of their products continues to grow. Besides everything in stock and special sash, doors, millwork, etc., they enjoy a big eastern business in wooden specialties. At present they are turning out a huge order of wooden frames for automobile sedan windows, things that are most difficult to make, and require the greatest precision in workmanship. This is just one of the many lines they turn out.
Mr. Graham states that their new mixed car specializing has been a great advertisement and brought them much worthwhile business.
Longview, Wn., Aug. 2|.-Architects in the Pacific Northwest are to be assured of good materials and capable workmanship when dealing with millwork companies affiliated with the West Coast Lumbermen's Association according to plans approved by the Millwork Committee at Longview, August 15. The effort will be made to establish standards for good or quality millwork in member plants and then to explain the advantages, through Association fieldmen and by literature, to architects of using specifications containing these quality requirements.
The following members of the Millwork Committee were present: E. C. Cowdin, Chairman, Stewart Franks, Frank E. Hite, J. H. Lausman, W. J. Liljequist, L. B. McDonald, Maurice Springer, E. E. Vogue and P. A. Warrack, W. B. Greeley, Secretary-Manager and C. J. Hogue, Director of the Trade Extension Department represented the Association.
Salot Buys Higman Yard
therefore make a very wonderful combination, with lovely grain effects, and perfect flooring qualities. This is one of the most beautiful floors imaginable, adaptable for home, club, hotel, apartment, or almost anybuilding where a wonderful floor is sought, and is an excellent example of California building ingenuity and originality.
"Stiles and Rails," which was formerly the name of the Pacific Door and Sash Company's House Organ, has been changed to "Planer Talk". The publication is going over in great style and the Company is now sending out abput 3500 copies each month.Tat Nicholson, who is in charge of "Planer Talk," states that by October 15 Pacific will be ready to send out their new forty page front and interior door catalogue.
On August l,1928, a deal was consummated whereby Mr. A. Salot, formerly a well known General Contfactor and Builder of New York, Philadelphia and Los Angeles, became owner of all holdings of the Higman Lumber Company, at 2831 Exposition Place, Los Angeles, including yard, mill and ground.
The new firm will be known as the Salot Lumber Company, with Dave Salot, General Manager and Henry Salot, Credit Manager. There are several salesmen who have been in the lumber business for thirty or forty years.
The Company is handling a full line of rough and finished Re{wood, Fir, and Oregon Pine, and report business very favorable.
J. A. Toomey, Credit Manager of the Pacific Door & Sash Company, Los Angeles, died August 17 alter a short illness. Mr. Toomey had been with the firm a good many years and was very popular among his business associates"