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HE seasoning of lumber is a very important phase of production. In Long-Bell mills it has been made the subject of continued study, the better .to serve the rnany buyers who have come to rely regularly on the Long-Bell trade-mark on the end of the piece. ' ' t , Dealers in many states have found in this same reliance the possibility of fair profit,year in and out,from regular customers who ask more about the quality of the lumber than the price.
The LongBell Lumber Company
R. A- Iong Bldg. Kansas City' Mo. Lumbmen since 7875
Douglac Fir Lumber, Tlmbers, Door and Wiadow Frames, Trimpak; West em llemlock Lumber: Western Red Cedar Slding and Shingles; Southem Pine Lumber and Timbers; Southcn Hardwood Lumberand Timbers; Oak FIooring,*CELLized Oak Flooring Strlps, 'CELLized Oak Floor Planks, ICELL ized Oak Floor Blocks; Califomia White Pine Lumber,Sash and Doorr, Box Shooks;Creosoted Lumber, Tim. bers, Poctr, Poleo, Tier, Guard.Rail Posts' Piling.