1 minute read
EAGLE theWorld'soneTfue built without limit as to cost !
The changing conditions of motoring have been. anticipated in the new DOUBLE EAGLE. It is Goodyear's answer to the demand for a tire that will successfully withstand the sustained high speeds of the hard, fast driver over roads as they comeand continue to give trouble-free mileage.
High in profile, almost double-thick AIIVeather Tread, thicker sidewalls, heavier SUPERTWIST carcass with more plies and more rubber between the plies-it is indeed a SUPER-tire.
.. You will find in it NEW LOW COST per mile and FREEDOM FROM DELAYS due totire trouble.
This Column of "Wants" and 'Don't Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rote: t2.50 per colutnn ineh The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Position Wanted
By man with 12 years' experience as manager band mill manufacturing soft and hard woods. Desire chance for advancement, as hard work proves capability. No selling. College graduate. Address Box C-l14, Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Experienced traveling salesman to sell full line lumber, sash, doors and millwork. Rocky Mountain region. State age, experience and salary expected. Must be high class man. Address Box C-l13, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Lumber Yard Wanted
Wanted-Retail lumber yard in Los Angeles or vicinity. Address Box C-115, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
For Sale Or Lease
Lufrrber Yard and complete hardware store. New upto-date lumber yard and a number of exclusive old-time agencies. Reason for selling is that in six years' time we have accumulated enough to retire on. Best chance in the state for a liVe man. Situated on main highway in a live town. Address Box C-l12, care Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Young Man Wants Connection
Young man at present employed by San Francisco wholesale rail and cargo concern as salesman desires new connection. Has been with present company for number of years and is intimately acquainted with valley and coast trade of Northern California. Address Box C-216. care of California Lumber Merchant.