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How Lumber Looks
The production of lumber reported bv 2ll mills to the West Coart Lumbermen'r Arcociation for the week ending Augwt 17 d'ecreac€d approximately 2'O0O,00O feet aE Gompared to the previous week, while orders for the pdriod increaged more than l9,(X)O,OOO feet over the volume of the preceding week
Production at ttese 211 mills has been on an even lreel during the part four weelc, not varying more than 4rO00'OOO feet between any two weekg in this period. Orders during the four weekr have fuctuated as much as 3O'OOO'(XX) between consecutive weelc. This wide variation in the volume of ord'era from week to week is believed by the induatry to result from tfie fact that retail lumber dealer stocks are low and that dealer sales in t{re various markets are followed by imrnediate orders for replacernent.
The California cargo fir market showed very little change durittg the past two weeks and the demand has been light. There is an increase in the number of inquiries. Vertical gxain fir uppers are stronger in price, ecpecially No. 2 V. G. fooring. Unrold stocks at San Pedio have decreased over 3'(XX)rOOO feet during the past tw6 weeks. 38 lunber vessels are tied up.
,Zlre volume of fir rail buciness ir reported a little better.
The lath and ehingle markets show practically no change.
The Cdifornia White and Sugar Pine and Redwood demand for Augurt ahowed a good'average buriness. There is a good demand for Pine upperE and common boardc. Redwood manufacturers look for a good Cdifornia buciness during the fall monthg.
The current relationehip of shipmentr and orderc to production for the first thirty-three weeks of 1929, according to the report of the National Lumber Manufecturen Arsociation, is as follows:
Wect Coast Lumbermen's A$ociatien-plqduction, 5r734,749 M feet; Shipments, 5,868,095 M feet; Orden, 5'91a.731 M feet.
California White and Sugar Pine Association-Production, 860,788 M feet; Shipments, 879,045 M feet; Orders, 899,839 M feet.
Cal fornia Redwood fi*esiatiep-production, 243,073 M feel; Shiprnents, 246190Z M feet; Orders, 2631384 M feet.
Southern Pline Association-Itoduction" 2r2OlrO2O M feet; Shipments, 2r238r5OG M feet; Orders, 212271723 M feet.
Total Hardwoods-Production, 1,682,108 M fe€t; Shipmentr, 116591499 M feet; Orders, 116421010 M feet.
Elected President
T. E. Peees. W
J. E. Peggs, W. R. Chamberlin & Co., was elected president of Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 of San Francisco at its meeting on Thursday, August n. A. J. Nolan, The Pacific Lumber Co., lvas elected vice president and Edward Tietjen, Sudden. & Christenson, was reelected secretary. Howard M. Gunton, Larue Woodson, A. C. Horner, W. W. Wilson and Enoch Hol,mberg were elected directors.
Jack Dionne, publisher of The California Lumber Merchant, was the speaker of the day. A. J. Russell, Santa Fe Lumber Co., was chairman of the meeting.
Gene Horan Visits West Coast
Gene Horan, sales manager of the hardwood departmend., Kirby Lumber Co., Houston, Texas, is spending a few\.. weeks on the West Coast on a combined business and pleasure trip. On his way to the Coast, he spent a day at Phoenix, Arizona, where he conferred with "Hawk" Huey who represents the Kirby Lumber Co. in the Arizona and New Mexico territory. While in Los Angeles, Mr. Horan was a visitor at the office of Clint Laughlin who is the Kirby hardwood representative in California. Following his visit in California, he left for Pine Ridge, Oregon, where he will spend several days rvith his father, F. T. Horan, who-is resident manager of the Forest Lumber Co. Mrs. Horan dccompanied him on the trip.
Announcement has been made that the Rockwood Sprinkler Company, which has been operating in California for the past twenty years, has been succeeded by a new organization to be known as the Pacific Rockwood Company. The officers of the new company are as follows: B. H. Lewis, Seattle, Wash., president; M. D. L. Rhodes, Seattle, Wash., vice president; H. H. McCarn, Los Angeles, California, vice president; and J. H. Edwards, Seattle, Wash., secretary-treasurer. H. H. McCarn will continue to represent the company in California with headquarters in Los Angeles.
The Fruit Growers Supply Company with plants at Susanville and Hilt, California is remodeling three double track, pipe dry kilns into General's edge stacked External Blower design at the Susanville operation.
Returns From Training Camp
Chas. J. Schmitt, salesman for the Chas. R: McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, returned August 19 from spending two weeks at the Reserve Officers' training camp at Del Monte.