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56You Make It VBBY PBOBITABLD For The Betailer)e
N the letter teproduced at the right, Mr. Burnaby hands us 4most gtatifying r(pat on the backtt in the second paragraph. In the next, however, he almost exactly strikes the ttkeynotett of our own aims when he says, ttYou have the right idea regarding the pushing of your product, in that you make it very profitable for the retailer,tt and also in the last, ttVe cannot close without commending your efforts toward making your operation exclusively wholesale.tt
Regarding profits on Cowan Cabinets, Mr. Burnaby knows, and backs his statement with figures. As he indicates, this profit of f,1500 on sales of $7000 was made without any expense for handling, warehousing or i$urance, in addition to much of the actual selling being done by Cowan representatives.
Cowan Custom-Built-In Cabinets ofier you a real profit opportunity. Vrite or phone, we'll gladly give you all details.