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-9O Percent or More Red lleart
-1OO Percent Oil Contesrt
Gcnuinc Tcnncrrcc Arornatic Rcd Cedar, accurately maau' factured, tonguG and groovcd and cnd metched. Cortr no morc than unknown brandr. Madc by Gcorgc C. Brown & Coo Mcmphir, world'r largcet manufacturer of Tcn' ne3.ce Aronatic Rcd Ceder.
Scalcd in doublc'facc 6brc board certou againrt durt, dirt, dampncr or damagc in rhipping or .totegc.
For circular and quotatior address:
Owen S. King Lumber Co. and West King Lumber Co. Merge
J. H. Peterson Elected President
The merger of the Owen S. King Lumber Co. and the West King Lumber Co., San Diego lumber concerns' was recently c5mpleted and the new com,pany will operate under the name of the West King l.umber Co. The Owen S' King Lumber Co., manufactuiers of sash, dogrs- uLa qil.l*orE, h". been operating for the past year and a half, while the lVest King iumbeiCo. has been in business since last February.
J. H. Peterson, formerly general manager of the HixonPeterson Lumber Co. of Toledo, Ohio, who operate thirteen retail yards in Ohio and Michigan, has bought a- s-ubstantial intlrest in the West King Lumber Co', and has been elected president. Mr. PeterJon sold out his interest in the Hixon-Peterson Lumber Co. last November, and since the first of the year he has made his home at Coronado where he will reside permanently.
In speaking of the future plans of the W-est,King Lumber Co., Mr. Peterson states that they will increase the size of their plant and will have a strictly modern lumber yard and planing mill.