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Yours very truly, W. V. Whitson. Whitson Lumber Co.

Yard at San Mateo

Joe Cuneo, formerly with White Brothers, San Francisco, and Henry L. Wills, of the Central Lumber Co., Gilroy, have organized the Peninsula Lumber Co., and are conducting a retail lumber business at San Mateo.

M. H.


M. H. "Mac" McCall of the, Union Lumber Company, Los Angeles, is back at his desk after making a two weeks' automobile trip up North.

Discussion as to the possibility of holding the annual convention of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association in Oakland this year was the main topic at a dinner meeting held at the Athens Cldb, Oakland, on the evening of August 16, at which East Bay retail lumber'dealers were guests of the directors of the State Association.

As a result of the discussion those present went on record as being in favor of holding. the convention in San Francisco.

Present in addition to the State Association directors were the following: Clem Fraser, Loop Lttmber Co., ,{lameda; T. P. Hogan, T. P. Hogan Co.; Sam Dalton, Melrose Lumber Co.; J. H. Matthews, Swift Lumber Co.; E. D. Swift, Swift Lumber Co., Oakland; Wave Tilden, Tilden Lumber Co., Berkeley; Clyde Speer, Zenith Mill & Lumber Co., Oakland; Harry Vincent, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., San Francisco; A. M. S. Pearce, E. K. Wood Lumber Co.; L. V. Graham, Chicago Lumber Co. of Washington, and M. A. Freitas, Smith Lumber Co., Oakland.

Contra Costa Dealers Meet at Antioch

Contra Costa County retail lumber dealers met in the offices of the Antioch Lumber Company, Antioch, on the evening of August 15. H. F. Beede, Antioch Lumber Co., presided, and there was a general discussion of retailers' problems, in which representatives from the various parts of the territory participated.

Those present included: F-rank G. Duttle, Sterling Lumber Co., Oakland; Ira E. Brink, The Diamond Match Co., Chico; Raymond Spencer, Spencer Lumber Co., Walnut Creek; P. E; Overend, California Retail Lumbermen's Association, San Francisco; J. A. Smilie and H. E. Wharton, Smilie & Wharton Lumber Co., Walnut Creek; George Jones, George Jones Lumber Co., Walnut Creek; Noah Adams, and George K. Adams, Noah Adams Lumber Co., Oakland; F. L. Sayre, Sterling Lumber Co., Oakland; Joseph Augusta, Sterling Lumber Co., Oakley; J. N. Christian, Antioch Lumber Co., Antioch; C. W. Foreman, The Diamond Match Co., Concord; C. E. Brown, The Diamond Match Co., Martinez, and R. Beede, Antioch Lumber Co., Antioch. Raymond Spencer acted as secretary of the meetlng.

Fred Boock Presides At Kiwanis Meeting

Fred Boock, Gilroy Lumber Co,, Gilroy, was chairman of the day at the August l4,.meeting of the Gilroy Kiwanis Club. Motion pictures of the Redwood logging and lumber operations of the Pacific Lumber Company Co. at Scotia, California, riere shown by J. J. Farley.

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