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National Association Officials Visit Oregon and California Mills
Dr. Wilson Compton, secretary-manager, and A. C. Horner, Western manager of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, with O. T. Swan, secretary of the Hemlock and Hardwood Association, Oskosh, Wis., recently spent several days visiting sawmills in Oregon and California.
After leaving the Longview meeting they went by train to the Klamath Falls district, where they called on a number of manufacturers, and from there went on by automobile to Medford by way of Crater Lake, and then on to McCloud, California, where they inspected the latest devices and methods used for trade and grade marking by the McCloud River Lumber Co., who are marking practically 100 per cent of their product with trade, grade and National Tree marks.
From McCloud they drove to Red Bluff and thence over t1le spectacular and rugged mountain highrvay by way of Weaverville to Eureka, and after calling on a number of Redwood mills arrived in San Francisco August 16.
Dr. Compton and Mr. Horner spent Monday, August 19 visiting the lumber docks at San Pedro, after which the former left for his Washington headquarters by way of Chicago.
J. E. Cool, 'Western sales agent of the Central Coal & Coke Co., traveled by automobile recently to Vancouver, B. C., accompanied by his wife and family, and while there attended the meeting of sales manag'ers held there on August 23.