1 minute read

lVendling'Nathan Co. SAN FRAT{CISCO

Wholeaalers of Douglas Fir Redwood California [rhite & Sugar Pine

If you have never hEd

Philippine Lumber Veneers P a n els lVlahogany Flooring

WiU lbe a lbaronen yean for trlhilippine Mlanaogany prodltucts in the West.

We lhave pioneenedl this nnarveliouus woodl prodluct in tlhis territory, secuning @rnr srrUpplly fnomo tlhe llnsunllar lLnnmlber Co", wlhiclh operates tlhe worlldl's lbiggest trhilippine mni[["

@un stoclks of trhilippine &tr@ \ltDSUlapassedl, tlhey consist of llaargnaille, IRedl Ilauan, Allmnron andlApitong, andl outn lbig ve:neer nni[[, dlry killns andl mnodlenn pllaning mni[[, enalblle us to ftrrnislh you lPlhilippine in any fonmn andl an5r quantity"

Let us sell you a car. It can be mixed with any other items of Old Growth Yellow Fir worhed uppers.

Main Office: A. L Hoover, Agt. San Francisco Los Angeles

I l0 Market St. Standard Oil Bldg.

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